Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 249
testimony herein and it appearing that a decree pro confesso was duly
entered up in said cause on the 4th day of September AD 1899 in
favor of said complainant and against the said defendant for want of
a plea, answer or demurrer in the time required by law; It is therefore
ordered and decreed that Evans Haile be and he is hereby appointed as
Special Master in the above styled to take and report the testimony
  Done an ordered at Ocala this 10th day of Oct AD 1899
                                      Jos B. Wall
                                 Judge 6th Circuit.
                               Holding court in the 5 circuit
                              by order of the Governor
Filed Oct 11th 1899 Recorded October 12th 1899
                             H.C. Denton  Clerk
                            pr S.H. Wienges DC

                      In the Circuit Court of Florida, 5th Judicial Circuit
                      in and for Alachua County In Chancery
L.V. Polk                        }
    vs                           } Order authorizing and Directing Master
J.A. Carlisle and C.W. Bauknight } to take Forthcoming Bond Etc
          This cause coming on to be further heard and the parties
to the suit request directions and authority to the Master to receive
a forthcoming bond for the property embraced in the decree in this
cause and which he has been directed to reduce to possession
by proper levy; Thereupon, upon consideration hereof it is ordered
and decreed that Christopher Matheson Esq as Special Master is
herein and hereby authorized and directed to receive and accept
from the defendant J.A. Carlisle a forthcoming bond for the
property which he may levy upon in this cause under the
decree herein said bond to be of the amount and conditioned as
in cases of levy upon personal property under execution and
the Master to be the Judge of the sufficiency of the sureties upon
the said bond
Done and ordered at chambers at  - Florida on this 9th day of
October AD 1899
                                W.A. Hocker 
We hereby consent to above order being made October 7,1899
                        Horatio Davis
                             Atty for complainants
                      W.W. Hampton
                      atty for Carlisle
Filed October 12th 1899 Recorded October 12th 1899
                              H.C. Denton  Clerk
                                pr S.H. Wienges DC

Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 2 May 2015
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