Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 252
against the said Ellsworth Trust Company upon the application of solicitor
for complainant in the cross bill
Done and ordered at Chambers at Ocala, Florida, on this 17th day of October
AD 1899
                                  Jos B. Wall
                             Judge of the sixth Judicial Circuit
                             sitting and acting for and in lieu of
                             the Judge of the Fifth Circuit
Filed October 18th 1899 Recorded Oct 20th 1899
                                   H.C. Denton  Clerk
                                    pr S.H. Wienges DC

                   In the Circuit Court of Florida Fifth Judicial Circuit
                   in and for Alachua County. In Chancery
F.W. Wagener & George A. Wagener partners       }
heretofore trading under the firm name of       }
F.W. Wagener & Co                               } Bill for Injunction etc
               vs                               }
H.M. Eddy and Charles T. Eddy her husband       } Final Decree
and Grace M. Tillis and H.M. Tillis her husband }
            This cause coming on to be further heard, and complainants
solicitor having set the same down for final hearing upon the pleadings,
proofs and Master's report, and the report of J.A. Ammons Special Master in
Chancery having been filed in the cause, in the Clerk's office of Alachua
County, Florida, for more than one month after notice thereof was given and
served upon counsel for the parties hereto, and the Court being advised
in the premises, thereupon upon consideration hereof it is ordered adjudged
and decreed as follows to wit:
First, That the report and findings of J.A. Ammons Special Master in
Chancery filed in this cause July 24, 1899, be, and the same are herein and
hereby confirmed in every particular.
Second. That the complainants the said F.W. Wagener & Company, were at the
time of the institution of this suit, and are now, the bona fide owners of the
fee simple title in and to that certain tract, piece or parcel of land, and
are now in possession of the same, situated, lying and being in the County
of Alachua State of Florida and particularly described as being the south
East quarter of the North East quarter of section 16 Township 9 south of 
Range 21 East;
Third - That the assessment of the said land for the year 1892 and the
certification of the same to the State of Florida for the non payment of
taxes for the year 1892 as per certificate 1076 was illegal and void
and that the said tax deed predicated thereon made to Grace M.
Tillis on September 28, 1892 and recorded on the same date upon the
records of Alachua County Florida, in Tax Title Book 3 at page 367 in
so far as the same conveyed the SE1/4 of the NE1/4 Section 16 Township 9 S
of Range 21 E, was and is illegal and void, and is a cloud upon the
title of complainants and that the same be cancelled and annulled and that
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 2 May 2015
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