Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 253
the Clerk of this Court do make a marginal entry upon the records where the said
deed is recorded, of such cancellation, and that the contract for the sale of the
timber on said land given by Grace M. Tillis to the said Charles T. Eddy is also
a cloud upon complainants' title, and that the said contract be cancelled and
annulled, and that the said Charles T. Eddy do surrender the same for
cancellation: And further that the injunction heretofore rendered in this
cause restraining and enjoining the said defendants H.M. Eddy and Charles T.
Eddy her husband and Grace M. Tillis and H.M. Tillis her husband their
agents, attorneys and employees, from cutting felling and removing any
trees or timber from the said land, and from interfering in any way
with the possession of the said property, be and the same is herein
and hereby made perpetual. It is further ordered, adjudged and 
decreed, that the Master herein be allowed $17.27 for his costs, and
that the said cost be paid by the defendants herein.
Done and ordered at Chambers at Ocala Florida on this 17th day of October
AD 1899
                                  Jos B. Wall
                             Judge 6th Judicial Circuit of the state of
                               Florida sitting and acting for and in
Filed October 18th 1899        lieu of the Judge of Fifth Circuit
   Recorded October 20th 1899
                 H.C. Denton  Clerk
                  pr S.H. Wienges DC

                       In the Circuit Court of Florida 5th Judicial Circuit
                       in and for Alachua County. In chancery
The Wright Phosphate Company               }
            vs                             }
B.J. Potter, R.M. Humphries, S.J. Neal     } Bill to Foreclose Mortgage Etc
N.F. Peterson M.O. Williams P.T. Fites W.T }
Merchant R.G. Strange S.B. Humphries       }
and F.E. Williams trading in Alachua       }
County Florida under the firm name of      } Decree settling the Equities
F.E. Williams & Company.                   } Etc
                This cause coming on to be further heard and it
appearing to the Court that a decree pro confesso has been duly
and legally entered up against the defendants B.J. Potter S.B.
Humphries R.M. Humphries, S.J. Neal, N.F. Peterson, M.O. Williams,
P.T. Fites W.T. Merchant R.G. Strange and due notice having been
given and having been accepted by their counsel and the Master
having filed his report and findings and the complainants
having set down for final hearing upon the pleadings, proofs
and Masters report and findings and the Court being advised
in the premises; Thereupon upon consideration hereof. It is ordered
adjudged and decreed that the Equities are with the complainant
and that it is entitled to the foreclosure of its mortgage and
that the masters report and findings in every particular be and the
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 2 May 2015
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