Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 254
same is herein and hereby confirmed. It is further ordered adjudged and
decreed that the defendant F.E. Williams trading as F.E. Williams and Company
is entitled to the sum of $76.65 the balance due upon the bill of sale
given by B.J. Potter to Fowler & Son and transferred by Fowler & Son to the
said F.E. Williams & Company and that said sum be paid by the Receiver
out of the moneys in his hands as shown by his report which is filed with
and attached to the Masters report in this cause taking proper receipt
therefor. It is further ordered that the report of A.D. Wright, filed herein and
attached to the Master's report, be and the same is hereby approved and
that said Receiver do pay over to complainants on account of its mortgage
after the payment to complainants on account of its mortgage after the
payment of F.E. Williams & Company the amount in his hands
arising from the sale of the mules, and that the same be
applied to the reduction of complainants indebtedness against the
defendant B.J. Potter. And further, that this cause be specially
referred to J.A. Ammons, Master, to make on account and finding
as t the pro rata amount due and payable to the several defendant
laborers and such other laborers as may file their claims with him or
as complainant may prove and show are entitled to any part
of the funds arising from the sale of the lumber made by A.D.
Wright Receiver; and further, that said Master do take an account
and finding as to the amount of fees and compensation to be
allowed to the Receiver for his services in this cause; and how much
shall be paid out of the funds arising from the sale of the lumber
separately and that said Master do report such findings to the Court
as early as practicable
Done and ordered at Chambers at Ocala, Florida, on this 25th
day of October AD 1899
                             Jos B. Wall
                       Judge of the Circuit Court of the 6th Judicial
                       Circuit of Florida acting for and in lieu
                       of the Judge of the 5th Circuit
Filed October 26th 1899 Recorded October 30th 1899
                                   H.C. Denton
                                      Clerk Circuit Court
                                  pr S.H. Wienges DC

                    In the Circuit Court of Florida 5th Judicial Circuit
                    in and for Alachua County. In Chancery
Annie E. Beattie et als     }
        vs                  } Bill to Remove Cloud, Etc
The Ellsworth Trust Company } Order Remanding Cause and
allowing Amendments to the Pleadings.
      This cause coming on to be further heard and pending the
argument of the cause, complainants solicitor ^ on terms for leave to
amend their bill of complaint, and pending consideration of the cause
by the Court, complainants solicitor having filed petition praying
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 2 May 2015
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