Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 258
thereupon upon consideration hereof it is ordered adjudged and decreed
by the court that Complainants have the relief prayed for in and
by their said bill of complaint and that they are entitled to a
remainder in fee as devisees under the provision of the Will of 
Samuel R. Pyles deceased in and to those certain lots, tracts, pieces or
parcels of land situated lying and being in Alachua County
Florida and particularly described as follows to wit: All of Section 10,
and the West half of the Southwest quarter of Section 11 in Township
7, South of Range 18 East; and that the said Jacob E. Dodd the defendant
herein took the legal title to the said lands by virtue of all tax deeds
and other deeds as set up and shown by the pleadings herein in
Trust for the benefit of the devisees and other heirs under the Will of
Samuel R. Pyles deceased, and that said Jacob E. Dodd do surrender
the possession of the said above described lands to the Complainants
and that the surrender all deeds which he may hold to these
lands or to any part thereof to the Clerk of this Court for cancellation
and the said Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to cancel said deeds upon
the records when recorded.
It is further ordered, adjudged and decreed that the complainants bill
be dismissed as to all other lands set forth and described therein
and that the Injunction heretofore granted as to these be dissolved
but that the defendant Jacob E. Dodd do pay the costs of this suit
except the costs incurred upon and since the order allowing rehearing
but that the Clerk in the taxation of the costs do allow witness fees for
only such witnesses as even duly and legally subpoenaed in the cause
and that execution do issue against the defendant for the costs
when taxed up by the Clerk of this Court.
Done and ordered at Chambers at Palatka Florida on this 18th day
of November AD 1899
                                W.A. Hocker
Filed November 18th 1899 Recorded November 20th 1899
                                H.C. Denton  Clerk
                                 pr S.H. Wienges  DC
                 In the Circuit Court of Florida 5th Judicial Circuit in
                 and for Alachua County
M.F. Simmons                   }
    vs                         } Debt; Damages $2000.00
Herman Levy, Principal and J.M.}
Fryer and B.C. Hodges Sureties } Ruling on Motion to Strike Plea Etc
    This cause coming to be heard upon the motion of plaintiffs
attorney to Strike the pleas filed herein by the defendant on the 3d
day of July 1899, and due notice having been given for the for the
attorney for the defendants, and the Court being advised in the
premises, thereupon upon consideration hereof it is ordered and adjudged
that the motion of the plaintiff be and the same is hereby granted
and that the several pleas of the defendants filed herein on the 3rd day
Transcribed by Charles Blankenship 21 March 2005
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