Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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six 63/100 dollars deducting the sum of $500.00 allowed by the Court for recoupment
making the amount due $1366 63/100 It is ordered adjudged and decreed
that unless the said S.K. Harper and A.R. Harper within Sixty days
from this date pay the said date of $1366 63/ with costs of this suit together
with an attorneys fee of Two hundred and seventy five Dollars to complainants
solicitors, it appearing to the Court from Evidence before it that said fee
is reasonable and proper, that the mortgaged premises in the bill
of complaint in this cause to wit: Lot number twenty seven (27) in the Oak
Hall Estate in the City of Gainesville Alachua County State of Florida the
same embracing an area of ninety five (95) feet North and South by
one hundred and fifty (150) feet East and West together with all and
singular the tenements hereditaments and appurtenances to the same
belonging or in anywise appertaining be sold at public auction for
cash at the door of the Court house of said Alachua County to pay
the same; that notice of the time and place of said sale be published
for the period prescribed by law in a newspaper published in said
Alachua County Florida; that J.A. Ammons Esq a practicing attorney
of the bar of said County is hereby appointed a Special Master
to execute this decree that said Special Master execute a deed
to the purchaser of said mortgage premises on said sale; that out of
the proceeds of sale he pay the costs of this suit retain for his services
the fees allowed him by law for such Services, pay to complainants Solicitor
the sum of Two Hundred and seventy five dollars as attorneys fees and the
balance of the purchase pay to the complainants, or their solicitors in
payment as far as it will go of the amount due them should there
be any surplus money arising from said sale after the payments
above directed said Master shall bring the same into Court to abide
the further order thereof.
It is further ordered adjudged and decreed that should said
sale take place the defendants in this cause and all persons
claiming by through or under them be forever barred and foreclosed
of and from all equity of redemption and claim of in and to the
said mortgaged premises
Bronson Nov 28th 1899             W.A. Hocker
Filed November 28th 1899 Recorded November 29th 1899
                            H.C. Denton Clerk
                            pr S.H. Wienges DC

              In the Circuit Court of Florida Fifth
               Judicial Circuit in and for Alachua County
                                       In Chancery
Giles Fowler  }
     vs       } Divorce
Ellen Fowler  }      Order of Court
           This cause coming on to be heard upon the petition of
the defendant for alimony and suit money pendente lite; after due
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 3 May 2015
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