Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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This cause coming on to be further heard and the complainants Solicitor
having set the same down for final hearing upon the bills and the several
answers of defendants and the same having been argued and submitted
by counsel for the respective parties and the curt being advised in the premises
thereupon, upon consideration thereof it is ordered adjudged and decreed as follows
to wit: - That the Equities are with the complainants and that they are entitled
tot he foreclosure of their mortgage against the defendants, E.E. Willard and
T.H. Willard and that the answers of T.H. Willard and E.E. Willard do not
setup any defense to complainants bill of complaint, and that the
mortgaged property is liable for the debt sued for.
And further that the complainants are entitled to have a royalty out
of the one third interest of T.H. Willard in the rock that may have
been taken from the land mortgaged, in conformity to the provision
contained in the mortgage; and it is further ordered and decreed that
the answer of the members of the firm of the Dutton Phosphate Company
does not set any defense to complainants bill of complaint in so far
as it relates to the interest of T.H. Willard in the rock taken from the
land described in the bill of complainant, and further that J.A. Ammons
Esq a practicing attorney at the bar at Gainesville Florida be and he is
hereby appointed as a Special Master in Chancery to take testimony as to the
amount due upon the mortgage sued upon by the defendant T.H. Willard
to complainant Charlotte G. Meigs for advances made to him by her
pursuant to the terms of the mortgage including a reasonable
solicitors fee for complainants solicitor, and also as to the amount
of Phosphate rock taken out of land shipped from the lands described
in complainants bill, since the record of the mortgage sought to
be foreclosed and sold and delivered to the defendants the Dutton
Phosphate Company and the interest of T.H. Willard therein and
the amount due complainants therefor, and that he make a report
and finding as soon as practicable
Done and ordered at chambers at Ocala Florida on this 1st day of
December AD 1899
                             W.A. Hocker
Filed December 4th 1899 Recorded December 4th 1899
                          H.C. Denton Clerk
                          pr S.H. Wienges DC

                   In the Circuit Court 5th Judicial Circuit of
                   Florida in and for Alachua County In Chancery
Katherine H. Bergman by J. Cooper }
Mathers her next friend           }
             vs                   } Bill for Divorce
George Bergman                    }
               This cause coming on to be heard upon Application of
complainant for the appointment of Special Master to take testimony
herein and it appearing to the court that a Decree pro confesso was
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 5 May 2015
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