Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 266
                     Fall Term AD 1899
                     Tuesday Dec 15th 
do issue a Venire directed to the Sheriff of Alachua County
commanding him to summon from the body of the county at large
four persons qualified to serve as jurors to complete the panel of
the petit jury for the first week of Fall Term of the Circuit Court
AD 1899, said Venire returnable at nine oclock tomorrow
morning. Done in open Court this Dec 12th 1899
                                W.A. Hocker Judge
  Thereupon the Clerk of the court issued a Venire for four
persons qualified to serve as petit jurors as by the Court directed

  In the Circuit Court for Alachua Fifth Judicial Court
             For the State of Florida
James Proud          }
     vs              }
The State of Florida }
            On appeal from the Court of the Justice of the Peace
for Seventh Justice of the Peace District for Alachua County
State of Florida
          This cause having come on to be heard on the motion
of the appellant the defendant below therein to quash the
affidavit and warrant therein and reverse & vacate the judgment
& sentence therein and to discharge the defendant therein:
 It is considered ordered and adjudge that the said motion
be and is hereby granted and that said affidavit and warrant
be and are hereby quashed and the said judgment and sentence
of the Court below therein be and is hereby reversed and vacated
and that he said James Proud be and is hereby discharged in
said cause
Done and ordered this 12th day of December 1899
                                     W.A. Hocker
Whereupon the Court proceeded to sound the Civil Docket

Z.T. Smallwood   }
       vs        }  Assumpsit
R.J. Camp & Bros }
               And now this cause is remanded to rules
for amendments

Sinsheimer Levinson & Co }
          vs             } Assumpsit
Joseph Manasse           }
            And now this cause is dismissed on motion of
defendant for want of prosecution 

Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 7 May 2015
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