Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 268
                                  Fall Term AD 1899
                                  Tuesday Dec 12th
        S.J. Morgan  }
             Vs      } Replevin
        S.H. Dempsey }
                 And now this cause is settled & dismissed

        Margaret McDonald Robertson  }
         as Executrix etc            }  
                  Vs                 } Assumpsit
        C.B. Easterlin defendant and }
        J.D. Easterlin Claimant      }
                  Now this cause is continued

        Jesse French           }
        Piano & Organ Co       } 
              Vs               } Assumpsit
        J.N. Strobhar defendt  }
        Mary C. Strobhar Clamt }
                 Now this cause is continued

        Samuel L. Sawyer as         }
        admr of the Estate of Louis }
        A. Barnes Deceased          } Ejectment
                  Vs                }
        William R. Johnson          }
                        Upon the calling of this cause for trial the
        plaintiff by counsel announced ready: The defendant
        failing to appear either in person or by counsel.
             Whereupon a Jury was called and there came J.M. Sykes
        T.E. McDonald  E.C. Crosby  J.P. Jones   Geo B. Evans and W.H. Guthrie
        who were duly Empanelled and sworn to well and truly try the
        right of property involved in this suit and a true assessment
        make of the damages sustained by the plaintiff in this cause
        according to the evidence 
                 And the Jury aforesaid after hearing the Evidence
        and the charge of the Court retired to consider of their Verdict
        And after due consideration thereof they returned into
        open Court and rendered the following verdict to wit:
Verdict    We the Jury find for the plaintiff that the Estate of Louis
        A. Barnes deceased is the owner of the fee simple title and
        that Samuel L. Sawyer as administrator of and for the estate of
        Louis A. Barnes deceased is entitled to the immediate possession
        of that certain lot tract piece or parcel of land situated lying &
        being in the County of Alachua and the State of Florida and known
        distinguished and described as follows to wit: The North west Quarter
        of the south east Quarter and the south half of the south west quarter
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 7 May 2015
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