Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 270
                         Fall Term 1899
                        December 12th
        Whereupon it is considered ordered and adjudged by the Court that the
        plaintiff Hattie L. Sanchez is the owner of the fee simple title to and is
        entitled to the immediate possession of that certain tract of
        land situated in Alachua County Florida described as
        follows to wit: The North east quarter of the south east quarter of
        sect 32 Tp 10 s R 18 E containing 40 acres more or less and that
        a writ of possession do issue herein according to law against
        the defendant W.L. Jackson in favor of the said plaintiff
        Hattie L. Sanchez. And it is further considered ordered and
        adjudged that the plaintiff Hattie L. Sanchez do have and
        recover of and from the said defendant W.L. Jackson her
        costs by her expended here taxed by the Clerk of the Court
        at     Dollars and the defendant in mercy &c
        C.D. Schafer                       }
             Vs                            } 
        L.J. Burkheim as                   } Assumpsit
        Administrator of and for the       }
        Estate of William Newhart deceased }
                 Upon the calling of this cause for trial the
        plaintiff by counsel announced ready the defendant failing
        to appear either in person or by counsel Whereupon a jury
        was called to try the issues joined by the parties in this cause
        and there came J.M. Sykes  T.E. McDonald  E.C. Crosby  J.R. Jones
        George R. Evans,  W.H. Guthrie who were duly empanelled
        and sworn to well and truly try the issues joined by
        the parties in this cause according to the evidence, and 
        the jury aforesaid after hearing the evidence the argument
        of counsel for plaintiff and charge of the Court retired to
        consider of their verdict and after due consideration thereof
        they returned into open Court & rendered the following verdict to wit
Verdict   We the jury find for the plaintiff and assess her damages
        at ($126) One Hundred and Twenty six Dollars so say we all.
                                                J.M. Sykes
        Whereupon it is considered ordered and adjudged by the
        Court that the plaintiff C.L. Schafer do have and recover of
        and from the defendant L.J. Burkheim as administrator of and
        for the estate of William Newhart deceased, to be levied of the
        goods and chattels, lands and tenements of the said William
        Newhart deceased in the hands of the said L.J. Burkheim as
        Administrator to be administered the sum of One Hundred and
        twenty six dollars together with his costs in the behalf expended
        taxed at Seven 97/100 Dollars and the defendant in mercy &c

[ Written in the left margin: ]

The full and complete satisfaction and cancellation
of this Judgment is hereby acknowledged and the same
discharged from the records this August 11th 1906
  H.C. Denton                   C.D. Shafer
   Clerk Circuit Court
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 8 May 2015
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