Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 271
                         Fall Term 1899
                          Dec 12th
            Whereupon Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at nine Oclock

                    Wednesday December 13th 1899
            Court met this day pursuant to adjournment of yesterday
          his Honor W.A. Hocker Judge presiding
             And now comes L.W. Fennell Sheriff of Alachua County and
          returns the Venire issued out of this Court on yesterday for four jurors
          to complete the panel of the petit jury for this the first week of the present
          term of this Court as having been executed by summoning in person J.G. Sherouse
          J.W. Shuford R.J. Cone and A.J. DaCosta

          M.F. Simmons                      }
Ex Issued      Vs                           } Debt
          Herman Levy Principal and         }  Damages 2000.00
          J.M. Fryer & R.C. Hodges sureties }
                                      This cause coming on to be heard and it appear-
          ing that the pleas of defendants were stricken and default judgment ren-
          dered by the court on the 17th day of November A.D. 1899 and an order
          for inquisition of damages. Whereupon a jury was called and there came
          J.M. Sykes  T.E. McDonald  E.C. Crosby  J.P. Jones  George R. Evans & H.H. Gaskins
          who were duly Empanelled and sworn to diligently enquire of
          damages in this cause and a true assessment make according
          to the evidence. And the Jury aforesaid after hearing the
          evidence and the charge of the court retired to consider of
          their verdict And after due consideration thereof they
          returned into open Court & rendered the following verdict
          to wit:
Verdict     We the Jury find for the plaintiff and assess his damages
          Six Hundred and Sixty three ($663 11/100) 11/100 dollars. So say we all
          Dec 13th 1899                               J.P. Jones
          Whereupon upon consideration hereof it is considered ordered
          and adjudged by the court that the plaintiff M.F. Simmons do have
          and recover of and from Herman Levy Principal and J.M. Fryer
          and R.C. Hodges sureties the sum of Six hundred and sixty three
          and 11/100 Dollars for his damages together with his costs in this
          behalf expended taxed at         Dollars and the defendants
          in mercy &c
            Whereupon the Committee appointed to draft suitable
          resolutions consequent upon the death of Judge E.K. Foster an honored
          member of this bar appeared in Court and asked that they be
          allowed until tomorrow morning to make their report

Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 9 May 2015
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