Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 273
                           Fall Term 1899
                        Wednesday Dec 13th
         State of Florida }
              Vs          } Grand Larceny
         Samuel Gordon    }
                        And now this day this cause came on to be
         heard Syd L. Carter State attorney prosecuting in the name and by
         authority of the State of Florida and the prisoner appearing in open
         Court in his proper person was arraigned and upon his arraignment
         pleaded guilty
                     Whereupon the Court sentenced the prisoner in manner and
Sentence form as follows:
           The sentence of the law is that you Samuel Gordon be
         imprisoned by confinement in the County Jail at hard labor for
         twelve months

         A.B. Meader as Trustee etc }
             Vs                     } Assumpsit
         James M. Graham            }
                          Now this cause coming on to be heard and
         the parties plaintiff and defendant being in open Court by
         their respective attorneys and the issues being joined a jury was
         called and there came J.M. Sykes T.E. McDonald E.C. Crosby W.H. Guthrie
         W.A. Smith & Thos McCredie who were duly empanelled and sworn to
         well and truly try the issues joined by the parties in this cause
         and a true verdict give according to the evidence
           Thereupon the pleadings were read and it there appeared that on
         yesterday after the order of the Court was made, on the motion to strike
         the bill of particulars of defendant, the plaintiff filed a replication
         containing new matter in answer to the pleas of defendant which filing
         and of which replication the defendants attorneys were not informed
         until the reading of the same to the Jury. The defendant then stated
         that he had no notice of said replication and was not prepared to
         proceed to trial on the issue raised by it, and no issue joined with
         and asked for further time. The Court granted the motion for further
         time and Thomas McCredie one of the panel of the jury being
         withdrawn the Jury was discharged from further consideration of
         this cause, to which ruling of the Court the plaintiff by his
         attorney then and there excepted
            The case was then placed at the foot of the docket
         by consent
           Whereupon the Grand Jury came into open Court
         and made the following report to wit:

Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 9 May 2015
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