Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 275
                        Fall Term AD 1899
                          Wednesday Dec 13th
          State of Florida }
                 Vs        } Larceny of a Domestic animal
          Ambrose Welch    }
                      And now this cause coming on to be heard Syd L. Carter
          State attorney prosecuting in the name and by authority of the
          state of Florida and the prisoner appearing in open Court in his
          proper person was arraigned and upon his arraignment pleaded
          Not guilty                     
          G.R. Griffin }
               Vs      } Assumpsit
          Joseph Adler }
                 And now this cause is continued
          W.W. Kimball Company            } J.A. Ammons & J.M. Rivers
          A corporation under the Laws of } Replevin
          The State of Illinois           }
                      Vs                  }
          A.S. Hutchinson                 }  B.A. Thrasher
                        And now on this day this cause came on to be heard and
          the party plaintiff in replevin and defendant being in open court by
          their respective attorneys and the issues being joined a jury
          was called and there came, J.G. Sherouse  R.J. Lane   J.M. Sykes   George
Ex Issued B. Evans  W.H. Guthrie and Thomas McCredie who were duly empanelled
          and sworn to well and truly try the issues joined by the parties in this
          cause and a true verdict give according to the evidence
              And the Jury aforesaid after hearing the evidence the
          argument of counsel and charge of the court retired to consider of their verdict
          and after due consideration thereof returned into open Court and rendered
          the following verdict to wit:
Verdict          We the Jury find that the plaintiff is entitled to the possession
          of the property involved in this suit to wit: one Kimball Piano
          made by W.W. Kimball Co No 23705 Style 3. Oak, of the value
          of $162.40  So say we all
                                          Thomas McCredie
          This Dec 13th 1899                      Foreman
               Whereupon it is considered ordered and adjudged by the
                                                      of and
          Court that the plaintiff do have and recover^the said defendant
          A.S. Hutchinson the property sued for to wit: one Kimball piano made by
          The W.W. Kimball Co No 23705. Style 3. Oak of the value of One Hundred and
          Sixty two Dollars and forty cents ($162.40) and it further appearing that said
          property was ** delivered to defendant on his forthcoming bond
            Therefore upon consideration hereof it is ordered and adjudged by the 
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 10 May 2015
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