Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 278
                   Fall Term A.D. 1899
                    Thursday Dec 14th
     That we lament the loss of one whose brilliancy
as an advocate and learning as a lawyer has elevated him
to the highest rank of the profession.
     That his memory is entitled to be cherished by the
bar for his genial qualities as an associate for his professional
honor and ability and for his wisdom as a judge and his
independence as a man
     That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of
this Court and that the Clerk be instructed to present a
copy of these proceedings to the family of deceased with
the profession of the profound sympathy of the Bench and Bar

                 Syd L. Carter   }
                Horatio Davis    } Committee
               W.W. Hampton      }

W.W. Hampton Esquire then arose and made the following remarks:
   May it please the Court: I feel impelled for sentiments of
sincere friendship and high appreciation of the character of our
departed friend and brother Hon. E.K. Foster as a lawyer and Citizen
to mingle my voice with others in paying this tribute of respect
and admiration to his virtues and worth
  A great and good man in the maturity of his ***** in
the mid-career of his usefulness has gone to rest: Not
however until he had achieved a professional with
which the most ambitious might be content: not before
he had established a name for extensive and varied legal
attainments and for ability more especially as a criminal
lawyer, equal to any that has been attained at the bar
of this state.
  I know but little of Judge Fosters early life My brother
Carter has given you a sketch of his public career in this State
He has been prominent and distinguished, at the bar in
Civic life and in the Church.
  My first acquaintance with the deceased was in 1880
during the setting of the Democratic State Convention in
this City that nominated the Hon. W.D. Bloxham for governor
and the Congressional Convention that nominated Hon J.J. Finley
for Congress. I recall most vividly the impression Judge
Foster then made upon me as very young man I observed
that he was a most conspicuous figure in those conventions
and that he was a man of lofty character, great earnestness of 
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 12 May 2015
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