Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 282
                          Fall Term AD 1899
                          Friday December 15th
        State of Florida } Indictment for
              Vs         }    Rape. A True Bill
        Sherman Henry    }   James R. Flewellen Foreman Grand Jury
        State Witnesses. Cora Sirlow  Vine Ellis  Dr. E. Lartigue

        State of Florida }  Indictment for
             Vs          }   Assault with intent to Murder  A True Bill
        Kid Butler       }  James R. Flewellen Foreman Grand Jury
        State Witnesses: Sidney Sampson  Fred Eril  W.P. Smith  J.S. Jolly

        State of Florida }
             Vs          } Not a True Bill
        William Griffin  }   James R. Flewellen  Foreman Grand Jury
        State of Florida }   Embezzlement
             Vs          }  Not a True Bill
        Mitchell Hill    } James R. Flewellen Foreman Grand Jury
        Alice A. Richbourg and                             } 
        D.J. Richbourg her husband                         } 
                  Vs                                       } Forcible Entry
        W.D. Fagan & E.K. Fagan partners                   }
        Trading in Alachua County Fla                      }
        Under the firm name of W.D. Fagan & Co             }
        and H.M. Tillis, A.O. Steenburg and S.A. Steenburg }
          And now this cause came on to be further heard and the
        parties plaintiff and defendant being in open Court by their
        respective attorneys as also the jury to wit: T.E. McDonald E.C. Crosby
        J.P. Jones W.H. Guthrie W.A. Smith & J.G. Sherouse who were duly
        empanelled and sworn herein on yesterday and heard part of
        the evidence being likewise in open Court the hearing of this cause was
        resumed. And the Jury aforesaid after hearing the balance of he
        evidence the argument of counsel and charge of the Court
        retired to consider of their verdict. And after due consideration
        thereof they returned into open Court and rendered the following
Verdict to wit
           We the Jury find that the defendants did within three years
        next before the filing of the complaint in this cause unlawfully Enter
        upon the real estate in the complaint mentioned and turned the plaintiffs
        out of possession thereof: that the said defendants did continue to hold
        the possession thereof at the date of the said complaint, and we
        assess the damages of plaintiffs at Six Hundred and sixteen dollars
                                    W.A. Smith Foreman

[ Written in left margin; ]

It being necessary to hold this term of this Court during the next week of the term the Judge of the Court in the presence
of the Clerk and Sheriff drew from the box containing the names of persons selected for jurors for the year AD 1899 the following named persons to
to serve as petit jurors for the next and 2nd week of this court Viz: J.T. Neal (1) 2 T.L. Brown (4) 3 A.J. Bates (9) 4 D.H. Dyall (19) 5 T.R. Pickett 6 J.A. Manning(7)
7 M.A. Densler (12) 8 W.L. Hill (7) 9 G.W. Easterlin (3) 10 O.P. Cannon (7) 11 E. Baird (7) 12 W.R. Thomas (14) The Clerk will issue a Venire for the above named jurors
returnable at 10 oclock AM Dec 18th 1899 
                                               W.A. Hocker Judge
Whereupon the Clerk issued the Venire as by the court directed 
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 15 May 2015
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