Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 283
                                  Fall Term AD 1899
                                 Friday December 15th
            Whereupon it is considered ordered and adjudged by the Court
          that the plaintiffs Alice A. Richbourg and D.J. Richbourg her husband
          do have and recover of and from the said defendants W.D. Fagan
          and E.K. Fagan partners trading in Alachua County Florida under
          the firm name of W.D. Fagan Co and H.M. Tillis A.F. Meinburg and
                      the possession of
          A.C. Meinburg^the property described in the plaintiffs complaint
          to wit: That certain lot tract piece or parcel of land situated
          lying and being in the county of Alachua in the state of Florida
          and described as being Section twenty (20) in Township Ten (10) south of
          Range Twenty (R20) East and containing by estimation Six hundred
          and forty (640) acres of land more or less and that a writ of
          habeas facias possession do issue hereon according to law
            And it is further ordered and adjudged by the court that
          the said plaintiffs do have and recover of and from the said
          defendants the sum of six hundred and sixteen dollars as
          damages for the detention and withholding of said property from
          the plaintiffs and the further sun of Twenty seven 40/100 Dollars the
          costs of this suit & the defendants in mercy &c

          State of Florida }
                Vs         } Assault with intent to Murder
          Kid Butler       }
                          And now this cause coming on to be heard
          Syd L. Carter State Attorney prosecuting in the name and 
          by authority of the state of Florida and the prisoner being in
          open court in his proper person was arraigned and upon his
          arraignment pleaded guilty of aggravated assault which plea
          was accepted
             Whereupon the Court sentenced the prisoner as follows
Sentence  to wit:  The sentence of the law is that you Kid Butler
          be imprisoned in the County Jail at hard labor for six months

          State of Florida }
                  Vs       } Assault with intent to murder
          Preston Thomas   } Now this cause came on to be heard
          Syd L. Carter state attorney prosecuting in the name and by
          authority of the state of Florida and the prisoner Preston Thomas who
          was arraigned herein on yesterday and pleaded not guilty Now in
          open Court withdrew his plea of not guilty & pleaded guilty of
          aggravated assault which plea was accepted
            Whereupon the Courts sentenced the prisoner as follows to wit:
Sentence    The sentence of the law is that you Preston Thomas be imprisoned
          in the County Jail at hard labor for one year

Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 16 May 2015
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