Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 284
                            Fall Term AD 1899
                           Friday Dec 15th
        A.B. Meader as Trustee }
                 Vs            } Assumpsit
        James A. Graham        }
                    And now this cause is continued

        Charles A. Gilchrist }
                Vs           } Replevin
        Edward K. Anderson   }
                            And now this cause is referred to Judge
        Horatio Davis for trial

        C.C. Pedrick and C.M. Smith       }
        partners trading under the        }
        firm name of Pedrick and Smith    }
                   Vs                     } Replevin
        J. Sherwood and Louis Harvard     }
        partners doing business under the }
        firm name of Sherwood & Harvard   }
            And now this cause came on to be heard and the parties plaintiff
        in replevin and Defendants being in open Court by their respective
        attorneys and the issues being joined a jury was called and there
        came J.M. Sykes  George R. Evans  Thomas McCredie  J.W. Shuford
        A.J. DaCosta and T.E. McDonald who were duly empanelled
        and sworn to well and truly try the issues joined by the
        parties in this cause according to the evidence
          And the Jury aforesaid after hearing the evidence
        the argument of counsel and charge of the Court retired to
        consider of their verdict and after due consideration thereof
        returned into open Court and rendered the following
Verdict to wit:  We the Jury find for the plaintiff and that he is
        entitled to the possession of the following property to wit:
        One King and Bruster^White Chappel Top buggy Valued at
        fifty dollars also one set of single harness valued at five
        dollars                   Thos McCredie
        Dec 15th 1899                    Foreman
                       Whereupon it is considered ordered and adjudged
        by the court that the plaintiffs do have and recover of and 
        from the said defendants the possession of the following property
        to wit: One King & Bruster Spring White Chappel Top buggy valued at
        fifty five dollars also one set of single harness valued at five dollars
          And it appearing that said property was released to said defendants on
        their forth coming bond therefore upon consideration there of it is ordered & adjudged
        by the Court that the said plaintiff do have and recover of and from the said
        defendants J. Sherwood and Louis Harvard partners doing business
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 16 May 2015
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