Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 286
                         Fall Term AD 1899
                         Saturday Dec 16th
        saith nothing
          Whereupon the Court sentenced the prisoner in manner
        and form as follows to wit: The sentence of the law is that you
        Derry Nettles be imprisoned by confinement in the state prison
        at hard labor for seven years
        J.W. Carter     }
                Vs      } Assumpsit
        A.W.G. Torbert  }
                Now this cause coming on to be heard and the parties
        plaintiff and defendant being in open Court by their respective
        attorneys and the issues being joined a jury was called and
        and there came J.M. Sykes T.E. McDonald E.C. Crosby J.P. Jones
        Geo R. Evans and W.H. Guthrie who were duly Empanelled and
        sworn to well and truly try the issues joined by the parties in
        this cause according to the evidence. And the jury aforesaid
        after hearing the evidence the argument of counsel and
        charge of the Court retired to consider of their verdict and
        after due consideration thereof they returned into open Court and
        rendered the following Verdict to wit
Verdict   We the Jury find for the plaintiff and assess his damages at One
        hundred and seventy eight 03/100 Dollars ($178.03) so say we all
                                          J.M. Sykes  Foreman
         Whereupon it is considered ordered and adjudged by the Court
        that the plaintiff J.W. Carter do have and recover of and from
        the defendant A.W.G. Torbert the sum of One hundred and seventy
        eight dollars and 03/100 Dollars for his damage together with 
        his costs in this behalf expended taxed at six 72/100 Dollars
        And the defendant in mercy &c

               Whereupon Court adjourned until Monday
        morning at 10 Oclock

                    Monday December 18th

             Court met this day pursuant to adjournment of
        Monday last his honor W.A. Hocker Judge presiding

        And now comes L.W. Fennell Sheriff of Alachua County and returns
        the Venire issued out of this Court for twelve jurors to serve as such for
        the second week of the present term of our Circuit Court as having been
        executed by summoning J.L. Neal T.L. Brown A.J. Bates T.R. Pickett
        J.A. Manning M.A. Densler W.L. Hill George W. Easterlin O.P. Carson E.Baird
        W.R. Stevens in person The within named D.W. Dyall not served not to be
        found in the County Whereupon for good & sufficient cause shown

[ Written in left margin: ]

        I J.A. Ammons, attorney of record for the plaintiff
        in this judgment acknowledge the full satisfaction
        and payment of the said judgement and herein
        and hereby cancel the same, Executed and by
        virtue of chapter 4918, laws of Florida     (Tax)
        The December 12, A.D. 1901    J.A. Ammons
attest H.C. Denton Clerk                  atty for pltff
       pr S.H. Wienges DC
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 16 May 2015
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