Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 287
                           Fall Term AD 1899
                         Monday December 18th
        George W. Easterlin was excused from further attendance on the Court
          It appearing to the Court that by reason of Excuses and otherwise there is a 
        deficiency of two petit jurors to complete the panel of the petit jury for this the second
        week of the Fall Term of the Circuit Court AD 1899. It is therefore ordered that the Clerk of
        this Court do issue a Venire directed to the sheriff of Alachua County commanding
        him to summon from the body of the county at large two persons qualified to serve as
        jurors to complete the panel of the petit jury for this the second week of the Fall Term of
        the Circuit Court AD 1899. Said Venire returnable instanter
        Done in open Court this December 18th 1899
                                               W.A. Hocker
          Whereupon the Clerk of this Court issued this Venire as by the Court directed
        And now comes L.W. Fennel^of Alachua County and returns the Venire issued out
        of this Court to complete the panel of the petit jury for this the second week of this
        term of the Circuit Court as having been executed by summoning the following
        named persons to wit: C.L. Thigpen & J.L. Tillman in person
          And now the panel of the Petit Jurors being complete there came as
        jurors for this the second week of this term of the Court J.L. Neal  T.L. Brown
        A.J. Bates  T.R. Pickett  J.A. Manning  M.A. Densler  W.L. Hill  C.P. Cannon  E. Baird
        G.R. Stevens, C.L. Thigpen & J.L. Tillman

        State of Florida }
               Vs        } Breaking & Entering with intent to commit a
        Simon Jordan     }             Misdemeanor 
                   Now this cause coming on to be heard Syd L. Carter
        State Attorney prosecuting in the name and by authority of the State of
        Florida an the prisoner being in open Court in his person was arraigned
        and upon his arraignment pleaded Not guilty
          Whereupon a Jury was called and there came J.L. Neal
        T.L. Brown  A.J. Bates  T.R. Pickett  J.A. Manning & M.A. Densler
        who were duly empanelled and sworn to well and truly try the
        issue between the State of Florida and the defendant according to
        the evidence And the Jury aforesaid after hearing the evidence
        the argument of counsel and charge of the Court retired to
        consider of their verdict. And after due consideration thereof they
        returned into open Court and rendered the following Verdict to wit
Verdict    We the Jury find the defendant guilty
                                                 M.A. Densler
          Whereupon the Grand Jury came into open Court and
        made the following Report to wit
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 16 May 2015
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