Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 293
                 Fall Term AD 1899
                Wednesday Dec 20th
C.B. Easterlin  Appellant }
          V               }
State of Florida Appellee }
                          Motion to dismiss Appeal
   Now comes the appellee by its attornies Syd L. Carter & J.M. Rivers and moves the
Court to dismiss the appeal in the above stated cause. And now said motion
having been submitted to the court and argued by the respective parties and
the court being advised in the premises doth decide and order that said motion
be and is hereby granted and the appeal dismissed
The 19th day of December 1899                 W.A. Hocker
Alice A. Richbourg         }
D.J. Richbourg her husband }  Forcible Entry
           V               }
W.D. Fagan et al           }
                         - Motion for New Trial -
   And now came the defendants by their attornies B.A. Thrasher & Evans Haile
esquires and move the Court to set aside the verdict rendered in this cause
on the 15th day of December 1899 and to grant them a new trial herein
  And now said motion for a new trial came on this day to be heard
and was argued. On the trial of the case each juror was asked on his
Voir dire, as to his qualifications under sec 16qr*** of the Revised Statutes and
each juror answered that he was qualified.
  Upon consideration of said motion it is ordered that the same
be denied and overruled to which ruling the defendants except and upon
request are allowed sixty days to settle bill of exception
Dec 20 1899                                 W.A. Hocker
C.D. Schafer              }
        V                 } Assumpsit
L.J. Burkhim Adm of       }
Estate of Wm Newbert Decd }
                        - Motion for a New Trial -
  Now comes the defendant by R.E. Davis Esquire his attorney and moves
the Court to set aside the verdict and judgment entered in the above
styled cause on the 12th day of December AD 1899 and to grant a new
trial therein. And now said motion being submitted to the court
and argued by counsel for the respective parties and the court
being advised in the premises doth decide and order that said
motion be and the same is hereby overruled & denied. To which
ruling and order of the court the defendant by his attorney then
and there excepted. It is further ordered that the defendant be allowed
sixty days to prepare and settle bill of exception
                                           W.A. Hocker
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 24 May 2015
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