Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 295
              Fall Term AD 1899
             Thursday Dec 21st
 Court met this day pursuant to adjournment of yesterday his honor
W.A. Hocker Judge presiding

W.H. Tison Appellant         }
        VS                   } A
City of Gainesville Appellee }
              Now comes the appellee by its attorney Thos F. King Esq
and moves the Court to dismiss the appeal in the above stated cause
 And now said motion being submitted to the Court and the Court
being advised in the premises doth decide and order that said
motion be and is hereby granted and said appeal dismissed
                                     W.A. Hocker  Judge
 Whereupon the Grand Jury came into open Court and made the following
Report to wit

State of Florida          } Indictment for Grand Larceny
       Vs                 }    A True Bill
Edward Wideman A.L. Smart } James R. Flewellen Foreman Grand Jury
and Sammy Taylor          }
State Witnesses: D.M. Davidson John Edmonson Mose Porter Jake Wedlow

State of Florida   } Indictment for Murder
       Vs          }    A True Bill
Walthour Logan and }  James R. Flewellen Grand Jury
Anthony Whitfield  }
        State Witnesses Isaac Jones Willie White J.R. Williams J.A. Hayman

State of Florida }       Indictment for
      Vs         } Conspiracy to Cheat and Defraud
W.A. Niblock     }         A True Bill
Henry Bryan and  } James R. Flewellen Foreman Grand Jury
George Jackson   }
             State Witnesses Chas A. Gilchrist Jerome Harris
              Mrs Jerome Harris  John Brown and W.A. Jones

State of Florida }  Indictment for
       Vs        }     Murder
Rufus Williams   }  A True Bill
                   James R. Flewellen Foreman Grand Jury
State Witnesses: R.G. Smith Joseph Williams

State of Florida                           } Indictment for Larceny of
        Vs                                 }  Domestic Animals
James Benefield  Jack Tendall & Cain Perry }  A True Bill
State Witnesses: James Haile Richard Johnson C.Rain } James R. Flewellen foreman G Jury
D.Y. Harvard and Martin Peterson                    }
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 24 May 2015
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