Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 298
                       Fall Term AD 1899
                     Friday Dec 22nd
  Court met this day pursuant to adjournment of yesterday
his honor W.A. Hocker Judge presiding
  Whereupon the Court made the following order
It is ordered that Charles Payton Will Payton & Cornelius Floyd who were committed
by G.M. Colman Justice of the Peace 7th Dist of Alachua County Florida to
await the action of the Grand Jury Fall Term 1899 of Alachua County
Fla on a charge of Robbery being Armed" that they be held in custody in
the Jail of Marion County to await the action of the Grand Jury of
Marion County at the Spring Term of the Circuit Court thereof AD 1900
  It appearing to the Court that the robbery was committed
outside of Alachua County and in the said County of Marion
In open Court Dec 22d 1899              W.A. Hocker
J.L. Cornell            }
       Vs               }
Charles J. Thompson and }
Mary J. Thompson and    }
C.H.F. Thomsed          }
                  The parties plaintiff and defendant by their
attorneys B.A. Thrasher and Pinnell & Jackson respectively agree
and ask the Court that said cause be referred to Robt E. Davis
as referee to take the testimony and try the issue and report his
findings thereon to this court
                                   E.A. Pinnell
                                   W.C. Jackson
                                      Attys for plff
                                   B.A. Thrasher
                                      Atty for Deft
Upon reading the foregoing agreement the foregoing styled cause
is referred to Robert E. Davis Esquire a practicing attorney to hear
and determine the same
In open Court this Dec 22 1899             W.A. Hocker
         - Recognizance of Sallie Patterson -

  Sallie Patterson acknowledged herself indebted and
bound unto the Governor of the State of Florida in the sum of
Two Hundred Dollars for the payment whereof well and truly
to be made she binds herself, her heirs executors and administrators
firmly and faithfully by these presents. The condition of this
obligation is such that if the said Sallie Patterson shall
well and truly appear before the Court at a Special Term thereof
to be held on the 12th day of February AD 1900 at Nine Oclock am
of said day as a witness in the case of the State of Florida
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 24 May 2015
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