Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 300
                     Fall Term AD 1899
                       December 22d
         State of Florida }
Sentence          Vs      } Breaking & Entering with intent to commit a
         Simeon Jourdan   }     Misdemeanor
                        And now the prisoner being in open Court for Sentence
         was demanded if he had any thing to say why the sentence of the
         law should not be passed upon him saith nothing
           Whereupon the Court sentenced the prisoner as follows to wit
         The Sentence of the Law is that you Simeon Jourdan do pay
         a fine of Twenty five Dollars and costs and in default of payment
         thereof or of giving bond for the same within ten days, that you be
         imprisoned in the County Jail at hard labor for twelve months

         State of Florida }
Sentence             Vs   } Larceny of Domestic Animal
         Isaac Miles      }
                      And now the prisoner being in open court for sentence
         was demanded if he had anything to say why the sentence of the law
         should not be passed upon him saith nothing  Whereupon the court
         sentenced the prisoner as follows to wit:
                  The sentence of the Law is that you Isaac Miles do
         pay a fine of Twenty five Dollars and costs and in default of the
         payment thereof or of giving bond for same within ten days that
         you be imprisoned in the County Jail at hard labor for six

         State of Florida }
                Vs        } Rape
         Henry Sherman    }
                    And now this cause is nol prossed by the state

         State of Florida }
              Vs          } Rape
         Sherman Henry    }    Motion for a New Trial
                           And now comes the defendant Sherman Henry in the above
         entitled cause by his attorneys H.L. Montgomery and J.M. Rivers Esq
         and moves the court to set aside the verdict rendered in
         this cause on the 21st day of December AD 1899 and to grant
         a new trial therein  And now said motion being submitted to
         the Court and argued by counsel for the respective parties
         and the Court being advised in the premises doth decide and order
         that said motion for a new trial be and the same is hereby
         overruled to which ruling the defendant excepts
              It is further ordered by the Court that the defendant be allowed
         sixty days to settle bill of acceptions 

Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 24 May 2015
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