Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 302
                Fall Term AD 1899
               Saturday Dec 23d
by the said Justice of the Peace Court on the 6th day of Sept 1899 were
vacated and set aside and a new trial granted herein by and the same
is hereby reversed It is further ordered that the Justice of the said
Justice of the Peace Court of the 17th Justice District of Alachua
County Florida enter up final judgment in favor of the appellants
herein the said Louis Clemmens & Roland Thomas as Deacons of New
Hope Primitive Baptist Church for all the costs of the appeal
as well as for the costs in the Court below unless a motion in
arrest of judgment or for judgment obstante verdicto shall be made
and prevail
Done and ordered in open Court at                 W.A. Hocker
Gainesville Florida this 23d day of                     Judge
December 1899

W.W. Kimball Co &c }
        Vs         }      Replevin
A.S. Hutchinson    }  Motion for New Trial
                    Now comes the defendant by his attorneys
B.A. Thrasher and Evans Haile and moves the Court to set aside
the verdict in this cause on the 13th day of December 1899 and to grant
him a new trial herein And now said motion being submitted to the
Court without argument and the Court being advised in the
premises doth decide and order that said motion be and the
same is hereby overruled To which ruling the defendant excepts
It is further ordered by the Court that the defendant be allowed
sixty days to settle bill of exceptions

State of Florida }
       Vs        } Assault with intent to Murder
Philip Warren    }
                 Now comes the defendant by his attorneys B.A.
Thrasher and E. Haile Esquires and moves the Court to set aside
the order and judgment made and entered at this term of the Court
estreating the bond of the defendant
       And now said motion being submitted to the Court and it
appearing that a certificate of a physician having been filed
in support of above motion it is ordered that all proceedings
on the bond are suspended until the next regular term of this
Court and that the order for alias capias be revoked

William Wesley and }
John Clayton       }
         Vs        } Order
Wm Hippard and     }
Lother Page        }
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 25 May 2015
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