Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 308
                    In Circuit Court 5th Judicial Circuit of Florida
                    in and for Alachua County, In Chancery
W.M. Roundtree    }
       vs         } Divorce
Rebecca Roundtree }    Final Decree
            This cause coming on to be finally heard upon the bill
and proofs filed herein and it appearing that the equities of said cause
are with said complainant is sustained by the proofs taken and reported
to the Court and the Court being fully advised in the premises; It is
therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed that the bonds of Matrimony
heretofore existing between W.M. Roundtree the complainant and
Rebecca Roundtree the defendant, be, and the same are hereby annulled
and dissolved
Done and ordered at Gainesville this 20th day of December AD 1899
                              W.A. Hocker
Filed December 20th 1899 Recorded December 26th 1899
                          H.C. Denton Clerk
                         pr S.H. Wienges DC

          In the Circuit Court of Florida 5th Judicial Circuit in
          and for Alachua County - In Chancery
Herbert Shooter and Charles C. Shooter       }
              vs                             } 
L.W. Fennell as Sheriff and Ex officio       } Ruling Upon Demurrer to
administrator of and for the estate of James } Bill of complaint & Decree
B. Cullen, deceased and Stephen B. Cullen    } Pro confesso against S.B. Cullen
                  This cause coming on to be heard upon the
demurrer of the defendant L.W. Fennell as Sheriff and ex officio administrator
of and for the estate of James B. Cullen deceased to complainants bill
of complaint and the same having been submitted and the Court being
advised in the premises thereupon, upon consideration hereof it is
ordered, adjudged and decreed that the demurrer filed by said
defendant on the 4th day of December AD 1899 be and the same is
herein and hereby overruled and denied and said defendant is required
to plead or answer complainants bill of complaint on or before the
10th January 1900, and in default thereof that a decree pro confesso
be entered up against him in conformity to the statute and rules of
practice in such cases.
And it further appearing that the defendant Stephen B. Cullen
has failed to plead answer or demur to complainants bill of
complaint and the complainants having filed praciepe for
decree pro confesso at the Rule day in December AD 1899 and the
Clerk having failed to enter the same according to the statute and
the complainants moving that a decree pro confesso be now entered
against the said defendant Stephen B. Cullen it is therefore ordered
adjudged and decreed by the Court that a decree pro confesso be
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 25 May 2015
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