Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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on the line of said street one hundred and sixty seven feet; thence run East
four hundred feet; thence run North one hundred and sixty seven feet; thence
run West four hundred feet to the point of beginning lying and being in
Doig and Robertson's addition to Gainesville. Also Lot Eleven (11) in New
Gainesville in the Alachua improvement Companys subdivision of
section (3) in Township ten (10) South Range Twenty (20) East. Also all the
following described lands lying and being in the County of Clay and
State of Florida and more particularly described as the North one half
of the North one half of the South one half of the Southwest quarter
of the North West quarter. also the South one half of the South one
half of the South one half of the North one half of the North West
quarter of the North West quarter. Also Lot 4 in Block 4 and Lot 3 in
Block 5 in C.A. Phelps subdivision of Highlands all in Section 31
Township 4 South of Range 33 East into two equal parts, having
regard to quality and quantity and assign one of said two parts
to the said Nicolas Bach. But if the said Commissioners should
find it impracticable to divide said land among said parties without
greatly prejudicing the interests of the owners thereof, in such 
case they are required to report the facts upon which their
opinion is based to the Court, and also what in their opinion
is the fee simple value of the whole of the real estate herein decreed
to be partitioned and in either case they are required to report
their proceedings under this order to the Court.
Done and ordered at Gainesville this 23rd day of December 1899
                                                    W.A. Hocker
Filed December 23d 1899 Recorded December 26th 1899       Judge
                          H.C. Denton Clerk
                         pr S.H. Wienges DC

State of Florida - - ss.
       The State of Florida to the Judge of the Circuit Court of the Fifth
     Judicial Circuit of the State of Florida Greeting:
Because in the record and proceedings and also in the rendition of
Judgment in a certain cause which is in our said Circuit Court before
you between Alice A. Richbourg and D.J. Richbourg her husband
as Plaintiffs and W.D. Fagan and E.K. Fagan partners trading in
Alachua County Florida under the firm name of W.D. Fagan & Company
and H.M. Tillis and A.O. Steenburg and A.C. Steenburg as Defendants
manifest Error hath happened, as it is said to the great damage
of the said W.D. Fagan and E.K. Fagan partners trading in Alachua
County Florida under the firm name of W.D. Fagan & Company and
H.M. Tillis and A.O. Steenburg and A.C. Steenburg as by their
complaint appears. We willing that the error, if any hath been should
be duly corrected and full and speedy Justice done to the parties
aforesaid in this behalf, do command you that if Judgment be
therein rendered, you distinctly and openly send the record and
proceedings aforesaid with all things touching them, under your
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 26 May 2015
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