Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 312
                            In Circuit Court Alachua County 5th Judicial
                            Circuit of Florida  In Chancery
W.C. Jackson                          }
    vs                                } Bill for Injunction &c
L.W. Jackson A.L. Jackson S.M. Mixson }
J.W. Patton & A.O. Steenburg          }
                     This cause coming on to be heard upon a motion to
dissolve made by Defendants upon notice to complainant & was submitted
upon the affidavits filed by the defendants and was argued by
complainant and defendant and defendant.
It is hereby ordered & decreed that the injunction granted in above cause
by J.A. Ammons Court commissioner for Alachua County Florida on the 28th
day of October 1899 be & the same is hereby dissolved
Done & ordered at Gainesville Fla this 22nd Dec 1899
                                    W.A. Hocker
Filed December 22d 1899 Recorded December 26th 1899
                                  H.C. Denton Clerk
                                 pr S.H. Wienges DC

                In the Circuit Court of Florida 5th Judicial Circuit in
                and for Alachua County    In Chancery
Mary A. Beattie et als      }
          vs                } Bill to remove cloud Etc
The Ellsworth Trust Company }      Order of Reference
             This cause coming on to be further heard upon the
application of solicitor for complainants to have this cause referred to a 
Special Master in Chancery to take testimony herein and make a report
and findings according to law, and complainants solicitor also moving
the Court for leave to refile in evidence before such Special Master
the Exhibits and oral testimony herein before taken in this cause before
J.A. Ammons Special Master in Chancery and which are attached to and
embraced in the report of said Special Master filed in this cause on
the 4th day of August 1899 and the notice having been given to solicitor
for defendant and the Court being advised in the premises; thereupon
upon consideration hereof it is ordered adjudged and decreed that this
cause be and the same is herein and hereby referred to J.A. Ammons Esq
a practicing attorney at the bar of Gainesville Florida as a Special
Master in Chancery, and that such Special Master do take the
testimony of the parties and make and account and findings herein
as provided by the statute and rules of practice in such cases
It is further ordered adjudged and decreed that the several parties
to the suit have leave to file in evidence before said Master the
Exhibits and all oral testimony that has been heretofore taken in this
cause and that are attached to and embraced in the report filed
herein on August 4, 1899 by J.A. Ammons Esq Special Master and
that the same may be used in evidence by the parties respectively

[ Written in left margin: ]

see order revoking this order on page 315
Jany 1st 1900       H.C. Denton Clerk
                   pr S.H. Wienges DC
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 26 May 2015
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