Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 313
as though it had been taken before said Master
Done and ordered at chambers at Gainesville Florida on this 23rd day
of December AD 1899
                                  W.A. Hocker
the defendants object to so much of the above order as require the
Master to make findings this Dec 23rd 1899
                               W.A. Hocker
Filed December 23rd 1899 Recorded December 26th 1899
                                H.C. Denton Clerk
                                 pr S.H. Wienges DC

                   In the Circuit Court of Florida 5th Judicial Circuit
                    in and for Alachua County in chancery
The Central City Building                     } Bill to Foreclose a
and Loan Association                          } Mortgage
          vs                                  } Decree of Foreclosure
Percy F. Wilson and Willie M. Wilson his wife }
           This cause coming on to be heard and a decree pro con
fesso having been duly and legally entered up against the defend
ants Percy F. Wilson and Willie M. Wilson his wife and the
complainants having filed an order dismissing the bill as to
Peterson Henderson & Company, a corporation under the laws of
the State of New Jersey and having its place of business in the
City of New York and State of New York, and having dismissed its
bill against James M. Thorburn and F.W. Bruggert off late part
ners trading in the City of New York and State of New York un
der the firm name of J.M. Thorburn & Company and the complain=
ants having filed in evidence the original note and mortgage
sued upon, and having filed an affidavit as to the attorneys fees
to be allowed to complainants solicitor for the foreclosure of the
mortgage herein, and the Court being advised in the premises,
thereupon, upon consideration hereof, it is ordered adjudged and
decreed that the complainant is entitled to the foreclosure of its
mortgage and that the defendant Percy F. Wilson is indebted
to said complainant in the sum of Five Hundred and Ninety six
Dollars and Eighty six cents for principal and interest upon
the note sued upon herein and in the sum of Eighty Four
& 68/100 Dollars attorneys fees allowed to complainants Solicitor
for the foreclosure of the mortgage herein and that the said
defendant Percy F. Wilson do pay the same within three days from
date together with the cost of suit, to be taxed up by the Clerk
of this court: 2nd That in default of the payment of said
indebtedness by the said Percy F. Wilson as above required
J.A. Ammons Esq who is herein and hereby appointed as a 
Special Master in Chancery to execute this decree do advertise
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 26 May 2015
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