Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 314
and sell at the time and place and in the manner prescribed by
law the said mortgaged property to wit, all that certain lot tract piece
or parcel of land situated lying and being in the County of Alachua
and State of Florida, and known distinguished and described as follows
to wit, That part of the North half of section (31) Township (9) south
Range (20) East particularly described as follows to wit.
Beginning at the half mile stake on the East boundary line of sec
tion (31) in Township (9) south Range (20) East and running thence
North along said section line (742 1/2 ) feet thence west (1466 2/3) feet
thence south (742 1/2 feet thence East (1466 2/3) feet to the point of be
ginning, saving and excepting such part of the above described
land as was conveyed to I.G. Huffman and others on Deed Book "P"
at page 178 of the public records of Alachua County in the state of
Florida on July 24, 1883 more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a point (742 1/2) feet north of the half mile stake on
the line dividing sections (31) and (32) in Township (9) south Range
(20) East and running thence south along said section line (331 1/2)
feet more or less to a point opposite an oak tree which stands
about fifteen feet west of said section line, thence west at right
angles with said section line to the run of a spring branch -
thence down the middle of the run of said branch following
the meanderings to the west boundary line of the tract lately
purchased by Henry Timpkin from J.L. Pardue, thence North
along said boundary line to the south line of the tract now
owned and occupied by J.R. McIrvin, thence East along said
McIrvins boundary line to the place of beginning containing
(10) acres more or less, the said tract containing by estimation
(15) acres of land more or less, together with all and singular
the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances to the same
belonging or in anywise appertaining, to the highest bidder
therefor, and that he do make and deliver a proper deed of con
veyance to the purchaser or purchasers of and for the said prop
erty and do put the purchaser or purchasers in possession
thereof and that said Master do pay the costs of this proceed
ing out of the proceeds arising fro the sale of said property
and do pay to the complainant or to its solicitor of record
out of the proceeds arising from said sale of the said proper
ty, the full amount of this decree and attorneys fees and the
overplus as the court may direct
3rd After the sale of the said property by the said Master that
the said defendants Percy F. Wilson and Willie M. Wilson his
wife and all and every person or persons claiming by through
or under them or either of them, do there after stand absolutely
and forever debarred and foreclosed of and from all right
or equity of redemption of in and to the said property and every
part and parcel thereof
Done and ordered at Chambers at Gainesville Florida
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 26 May 2015
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