Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 316
Application of C.E. Haile Jr. Guardian

            To the Honorable W.A. Hocker Judge of the Circuit Court
            of the 5th Judicial Circuit of Florida
                        In an for Alachua County
                       Your petitioner Chas E. Haile Junior shows
unto your Honor that he is the duly appointed Guardian of Allen
Haile, a minor of Alachua County Florida, That he has been duly
appointed as such Guardian by the County Judge of Alachua County
Florida, That on the   day of October A.D. 1897, John Haile late
of Alachua County Florida, died leaving a Will and leaving numer
ous devices under said will one of whom is the said Allen Haile
a minor whereby in said Will he appointed John Chesnut of Alachua
County Florida as Trustee for said Allen Haile and the property and
money so devised and bequeathed to said Allen Haile is in the hands
and custody of said John Chesnut as such Trustee, That said
Minor Allen Haile is at College at Charleston S.C. and it is nec
essary for your petitioner as such Guardian to pay the expenses of
said minor for his Education and other expenses out of the funds
in the hands of said Trustee for the education of said minor
That said funds in the hands of said Trustee is the only funds
whereby said expenses could be paid, Petitioner therefore prays
that said trustee John Chesnut be authorized to pay your petitioner
the sum of Four Hundred and Five 07/100 Dollars which is actu
ally necessary to pay the expenses incurred for the Education of said
minor out of the funds in the hands of said John Chesnut as Trus
tee for said Allen Haile, and Petitioner will ever pray &c
                                       C.E. Haile Jr.
                                       Evans Haile
                                       Petitioners Atty
State of Florida   }
Alachua County     }  Before me personally came Chas E. Haile Junior
who being sworn says the foregoing petition is true
Sworn and subscribed to before me             }
this Dec 23rd 1899                            }  C.E. Haile Jr.
          W.R. McKinstry                      }
(seal) Notary Public State of Florida at Large}

I hereby accept service of notice of this application, I am
acquainted with the facts therein stated and the same all
and true and correct to the order being made as prayed for
This Dec 23, 1899
                                John Chesnut as Trustee
                                for Allen Haile

The foregoing petition coming on to be heard and upon
consideration of the same it is ordered and Decreed that
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 16 April 2011
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