Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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the above Petition be granted and the said John Chesnut as
Trustee for Allen Haile is hereby Authorized to pay over to Charles
E. Haile Junior as Guardian for Allen Haile the sum of Four hund
red and Five & 7/100 Dollars for the Expense of said minor,
At Gainesville Florida, This Dec 23, 1899
                                          W.A. Hocker
Filed January 4th 1900       Recorded Jany 6th 1900
                                          H.C. Denton  Clerk
                                          pr E.C. Wimberly D.C.
Wm Davis    }
      vs    }  Bill for Divorce
Emma Davis  }
            In Circuit Court 5th Judicial Circuit of
            Florida in and for Alachua County In Chancery
  We the Complainant and defendant herein agree that H.G. Mason
shall be appointed Special Master to take the testimony herein
and report the same to the Court
                             Evans Haile
                             Solrs for Complt
                             J.M. Rivers
                             Sol for Deft
This cause coming on this day upon agreement of the parties
hereto for the appointment of a Special Master to take and re
port the testimony herein and the Court being advised in the premis
es it is therefore ordered and adjudged that H.G. Mason Esq be
and he is hereby apointed Special Master to take and report the
testimony herein, Done & ordered at Ocala this 1st day of Jany A.D. 1900
                                         W.A. Hocker
Filed Jany 4th/1900, Recorded Jany 6th 1900
                                         H.C. Denton  Clerk
                                         pr E.C. Wimberly D.C.

  In Circuit Court 5th Judicial Circuit of Florida in and for Alachua County
Mattie Witt }                                                 In Chancery
    vs      }  Bill for Divorce
Jno F. Witt }
            This cause coming on this day upon application of Complain
ant for the appointment of a Special Master herein to take and report
the testimony herein and it appearing to the Court that a decree pro
confesso was regularly entered herein on the 1st day of Jany 1900 and
the Court being advised in the premises it is therefore ordered ad
judged and decreed that L.G. Carter Esq a practicing attorney at law
at High Springs, Florida; be and he is hereby appointed as Special
Master to take the testimony and report the same to the Court
Done and ordered at Inverness Fla this 4th day of January A.D. 1900 W.A. Hocker
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 26 May 2014
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