Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 327
           Special Term Circuit Court A.D. 1900
              Tuesday February 13th

Court met pursuant to adjournment of yesterday
his honor W.A. Hocker judge presiding
  Whereupon the Grand Jury came into open Court and made
the following report: to wit:

State of Florida    }  Indictment for Murder
           vs       }     A True Bill
Willis Brice  alias }   John T. Fleming Foreman Grand Jury
William Brice       } State Witnesses Chas G. Mann J.T. Fry P.D. Brown
                                      Joe Washington E.R. Trammell

State of Florida  }
         vs       }  Indictment for Murder in the first degree
G. Towney Kennard }        A True bill
                                 John T. Fleming Foreman Grand Jury
State Witnesses: B.F Jordan T.F. Thomas A. McDonald O.J. Moat

State of Florida  }   Indictment for
          vs      }     Murder
Percy Summers     }   A True Bill
Richard Lamb and  }      John T. Fleming Foreman Grand Jury
Marvin Summers    }   
  State Witnesses: B.C. Hodges, C.C. Barrs, W.K. Lynn
                   Jasper Osteen, Sally Patterson Augusts J. Moore
                   R.R. Rives, C.C. Harwell A.L. Cone
                   J.H. Dorr M.K. Parish & J.V. Shehee

State of Florida }   Indictment for
      vs         }       Rape
William Thomas   }   A True Bill
                        Jno T. Fleming Foreman Grand Jury
State Witnesses:  Cora Sirlow, Vinie Ellis, Dr. Lartigue

State of Florida }    Indictment for
      vs         }      Murder
James Williams   }    A True Bill
                        John T. Fleming Foreman Grand Jury
State Witnesses:  Dr. C.H. Carroll, Harmons Mars
                  Will Jones Alfred Williams

State of Florida }     Indictment for
       vs        }       Murder
Columbus Brown   }     A True Bill
                          John T. Fleming Foreman Grand Jury
State Witnesses:  A.A. McRae  Riley Grisby,    Stokes
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 27 May 2014
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