Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 328
             Spring Term Circuit Court 1900
                  Tuesday February 13th
State of Florida   }
        Vs         }  Indictment for
Adolphus White and } Breaking and Entering with intent to
Luther Miller      }  Commit a misdemeanor  
                                     A True Bill
                              John T. Fleming Foreman Grand Jury
State Witness:  H.D. Moseley

State of Florida   }
           Vs      }  Murder
Willis Brice alias }
William Brice      }
                     And now this cause is nol prossed a
new bill having been found at this Special Term of the Court

State of Florida  }
         Vs       }  Murder
G. Towney Kennard }
                 And now this cause is nol prossed a new bill
having been found at this special term of the Court

State of Florida }
       Vs        }  Murder
Percy Summers    }
Richard Lamb &   }
Marvin Summers   }
                 And now this cause is nol prossed a new bill
having been found at this Special term of the Court

State of Florida }
           Vs    }  Rape
William Thomas   }
                 And now this cause is nol prossed a new bill having
been found at this Special Term of the Court

State of Florida }
           Vs    }  Murder
James Williams   }
                And now this cause is nol prossed a new bill having
been found at this Special Term of this Court

State of Florida  }
           Vs     } Murder
G. Towney Kennard }  And now this cause is continued on account
                     of sickness of defendants attorneys
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 27 May 2014
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