Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 332
            Special Term Circuit Court AD 1900
                Thursday February 15th
   In Circuit Court Fifth Judicial Circuit of Florida
            In and for Alachua County
State of Florida }
       Vs        } Murder
Willis Brice     }
            It is hereby agreed and consented to by and
between Syd L. Carter State Attorney and B.A. Thrasher defendants
attorney that Mrs E.K. Cooper be appointed as stenographer for the
purpose and that she do take and report the testimony herein to the
Court in the above case           Syd L. Carter 
                                    State Attorney
                               B.A. Thrasher
                                     Deft Attorney
  It appearing to the Court that a stenographer is needed
to take the testimony of the witnesses at the trial of the above
case and it being request by the State attorney and defendants
counsel and they having agreed to the appointment of Mrs E.K. Cooper
It is hereby ordered that Mrs E.K. Cooper be and she is hereby
appointed as such stenographer
Feby 14th 1900                         W.A. Hocker
State of Florida   }  Syd L. Carter
      Vs           }  Murder
Willis Brice alias }  B.A. Thrasher & J.M. Rivers
William Brice      }
             And now on this day this cause came on
to be heard Syd L. Carter State Attorney prosecuting in
the name and by authority of the State of Florida and
the prisoner Willis Brice otherwise called William Brice
who had pleaded in abatement herein on yesterday being
now in open Court in his proper person as well as by
his attorney B.A. Thrasher and J.M. Rivers Esquires was
arraigned and upon his arraignment pleaded not guilty
and for good and evil puts himself upon God and the
Country for trial
        Whereupon a jury was called and there came:
Marcus Endel, T.R. Ellis, W.J. McCormick J.C. Havis
J.F. Barron, J.R. Pardue I.G. Huffman Benjamin Rush
A.J. DaCosta E.K. Fagan Horace Giddings. And now
the regular panel and Special Venire for twenty jurors
being exhausted by reason of challenge and otherwise
the Court directed the Clerk to issue a Venire to the Sheriff
commanding him to summon instanter from the bystanders
or the County at large five qualified persons from whom
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 29 May 2015
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