Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 341
                        In the Circuit Court of Florida 5th Judicial
                        Circuit in and for Alachua County in Chancery
George Graham                       }
     vs                             }
Edward A. Neff as administrator etc }
               This cause coming on to be heard upon the petition of James M.
Graham as administrator of George Graham deceased for rehearing of the order
reviving said cause in his name as administrator made on the 19th day of
January 1900 and it appearing to the Court from the record that this cause
was instituted by George Graham as surviving partner of the firm of Neff &
Graham for and in behalf of the creditors of the firm of Neff & Graham
and that Carlin & Fulton as shown by the report of the Master and the
proofs therein are creditors of said partnership, and it appearing
further that no objection was made to the said order of revivor at
the time that it was made and the Court being of the opinion that
the objection comes too late now, and that said administrator is
properly made a party complainant; and being advised in the
premises upon consideration hereof it is ordered, adjudged and
decreed that the petition for rehearing filed herein on Jan 31, 1900
be and the same is herein and hereby overruled and denied. And it is
further ordered that the petitioner pay all costs of this application
Done and ordered at Chambers at Gainesville Florida this 13th day of
February AD 1900
                                    W.A. Hocker
Filed Feby 14 1900                      Judge
        Recorded Feby 26th 1900
                        H.C. Denton Clerk
                          pr S.H. Wienges DC
          In the Circuit Court of Florida 5th Judicial Circuit in and
          for Alach County In Chancery
James M. Graham as administrator of and   }
for the estate of George Graham, deceased }
                vs                        } Bill for Receiver etc
Edwin A. Neff as administrator of and for }
the estate of George H. Neff deceased     }
              Order confirming Report of the Master and requiring
Receiver to pay over moneys etc
  This cause coming on to be further heard upon the report of Christopher
Matheson as Special Master in Chancery and it appearing to the
Court that said report was filed on the 13th day of June 1899 and
no exceptions filed thereto and the Court being advised in the
premises thereupon upon consideration hereof it is ordered adjudged
and decreed.
1st. That the report of Christopher Matheson filed herein on the 13th
of June 1899 be and the same is herein and hereby confirmed in every
particular and that the said indebtedness of Carlin & Fulton is a
Just and proper claim against the assets of the firm of Neff & Graham
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 31 May 2015
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