Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 345
                  In Circuit Court Alachua County 5th Judicial
                    Circuit of Florida = In Chancery
H.A. Picket         }
    vs              } Mortgage Foreclosure
S.J. Hamilton et al }              Final Decree
        This cause coming on to be finally heard on motion of the
solicitor for complainant viz B.A. Thrasher, and it appearing to the Court
the equities of said cause are with the complainant and that a decree
pro confesso has been regularly entered against the defendants S.J. Hamilton
and Florence Hamilton on the 2nd day of May 1898 and it also appearing
from the bill and original mortgage filed therewith that the note for
which said mortgage was given to secure was embraced in and made a
part of said mortgage & signed by the defendant S.J. Hamilton
said Original mortgage being herewith filed,
The Court being fully advised in the premises doth find that the
said Allegations in said title contained are true as therein stated and
that there is now due and owing from the defendant S.J. Hamilton and
Florence Hamilton to the complainant H.A. Picket as principal and
interest due to Feb 16th 1900 on the note and mortgage herein sued upon the
sum of $63.95 and the further sum of $32 as and for Solicitors fees in
said cause, It is therefore upon consideration thereof considered ordered
adjudged and decreed by the Court as follows to wit: That the defendants
do pay to the complainant on or before the 23 day of February 1900 the
sum of $63.95 and also the sum of $32 Dollars hereby allowed upon
proof submitted to the Court for Solicitors fees in said cause to B.A.
Thrasher complainants solicitor of record herein and the costs of
said suit to be taxed by the Clerk of said Court.
That in default of said payment being made as aforesaid by the
defendants then in that case the said mortgage premises mentioned
in the bill of complainant in this cause as that certain piece
parcel or tract of land situate lying and being in the County
of Alachua State of Florida particularly known and described as follows
to wit: The North West quarter of the North West quarter of section Six
Township Ten South Range 18 East being Forty acres together with all
and singular the tenements hereditaments and appurtenances to the
same belonging or in any wise appertaining or so much of said premises
as may be sufficient to realize the amount of $95 95/100 so due the
complainant together with interest at the rate of 8 per cent per
annum from 16 day of February 1900 to the date of sale be sold
at public auction by the Special Master herein named by the
Court after due and legal notice of the time and place of
such sale as by statute required and that said Special Master
execute and deliver to the purchaser or purchasers at said sale
a good and sufficient deed or deeds for so much or such part of
said mortgaged premises as shall be sold at said sale, and do put
said purchaser or purchasers in possession thereof. That said Special
Master out of the proceeds of said sale he pay to B.A. Thrasher
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 3 June 2015
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