Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Solicitor for complainant his fee of $32 x and shall also retain his fee
and commission on said sale That he pay to the officers of the Court their
costs in this suit and out of the remainder of said proceeds pay to Complainant
or his Solicitor B.A. Thrasher for him the sum of $63.95 together with interest
on same at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from 16th February 1900 to
date of sale, or if such remainder after paying solicitors fees costs and
expenses of sale be insufficient to pay the whole of said amount as
aforesaid then that he apply said remainder to the extent to which it
may reach in satisfaction of said amount; And that said Special
Master take receipts from the respective parties to whom he may
have made payments, and in case said premises shall sell for
more than sufficient to pay the principal, costs and
solicitors fees as aforesaid Then that said Special Master after
making payments as aforesaid turn the said surplus over to defendants.
It is further ordered adjudged and decreed that the defendants S.J.
Hamilton and Florence Hamilton and all persons claiming by through
or under them be forever barred and foreclosed of and from all equity of
redemption in and to all of said described premises and that the said
defendant Florence Hamilton be forever barred and foreclosed of and from
all dower and right of dower in and to said mortgaged premises or any
part thereof. It is further ordered that Robt E. Davis a practicing 
attorney at law be and he is hereby appointed Special Master in
Chancery to make the said sale of the mortgaged premises, and to carry
out the provisions of this decree.
 Done and ordered this 16th day of February 1900
                             W.A. Hocker
Filed Feby 16th 1900 Recorded Feby 27th 1900
                           H.C. Denton Clerk
                             pr S.H. Wienges DC

                 In the Circuit Court of the Fifth Judicial
                   Circuit of Florida In and for Alachua County
                                 In Chancery
Nellie E. Wilbur } Bill for Divorce
    vs           } Final Decree
James C. Wilbur  }
         This cause coming on for final hearing upon the
bill of complainant taken as confessed by the defendant and the proofs
taken in support of the allegations in said bill by the Examiner heretofore
appointed in this behalf and the Court having heard the argument
of counsel for complainant and being fully advised in the premises
upon consideration thereof the Court finds that the allegations in
said bill are true and that the equities in this cause are with the
complainant, and thereupon it is considered ordered adjudged and 
decreed by the Court that the relief prayed for in said bill be
granted and that the marriage heretofore existing between complainant
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 3 June 2015
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