Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 350
defendant L.W. Fennell as Sheriff and Ex officio administrator of and
for the estate of James B. Cullen deceased and the same having been charged
and submitted and the Court being advised in the premises thereupon
upon consideration hereof it is ordered adjudged and decreed that the
pleas filed herein by said defendant on the 10th day of January 1900 be and 
the same are herein and hereby disallowed denied and overruled.
Defendant ordered to answer the bill on or before 15th March 1900
Done and ordered at Chambers at Gainesville Florida on this 2nd day
of March A.D. 1900
                               W.A. Hocker
Filed March 3rd 1900 Recorded March 5th 1900
                               H.C. Denton  Clerk
                               pr S.H. Wienges  D.C.

                          In Circuit Court Alachua County In Chancery
W.L. McRae            }
        vs            } Divorce
Mary McRae            } Final Decree
               This cause came on to be heard and upon consideration
of the same and the report of the Master filed herein It is ordered
that the contract of marriage heretofore entered into by and between
W.L. McRae and Mary McRae are hereby declared
to be Divorced a vinculo matrimonii with each other
at Chambers at Ocala Florida this 2nd day of March 1900
                             W.A. Hocker
Filed March 3rd 1900 Recorded March 5th 1900
                             H.C. Denton  Clerk
                             pr S.H. Wienges D.C.

                        In the Circuit Court of the 5th Judicial Circuit
                        of the State of Florida County of Alachua
C.W. Chase                                     }             In Chancery
   vs                                          }
J.C. Haile Chas E. Haile Jr. J.M. Haile Louise }
M. Chesnut, John Chesnut her husband Eva Haile }
Minor Allen Haile Minor, John Chesnut Trustee  }
for Eva Haile and Allen Haile, F.N. Pike and   }
H.G. Mason Guardian ad Litem for Eva           }
Haile and Allen Haile Minors                   }
        This cause coming on to be heard upon motion of W.C.
Jackson Esqr Solicitor for Complainant for the appointment of a
Special Master herein and it appearing to the satisfaction of the
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 16 April 2011
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