Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 352
interest of the Defendant Lillie E. Summers in the said premises therefor
it is ordered adjudged and decreed that unless the said C.B. Easterlin shall
within ten days from this date, pay the said debt with the costs of this
proceeding and $9 93/100 Masters cost together with an Attorney's fee of Twenty six
Dollars and Forty five cents ($26.45) to the complainants solicitor,
it appearing to the Court from evidence before it that such fee is
reasonable and property, and the said complainants being the
prevailing party in this cause, that the said premises described in
the bill of complaint in this cause to wit: The West Half (1/2) of East
Half (1/2) of Block Number Four (4) in Range one (1) in the Town
of High Springs, the same being in Section Three Township Eight
south of Range Seventeen.
Also the South East one hundred (100) feet by one Hundred
(100) feet of Block number sixty (60) of D.E. Whetstone's Plat and
addition to the Town of High Springs, be sold at public auction
for cash at the door of the Court House of said Alachua County
to pay the same; that notice of the time and place of said sale
be published in some newspaper published in said county
of Alachua State of Florida for the term required by law;
that J.A. Ammons Esq a practicing Attorney at the bar of
said county is hereby appointed a Special Master to execute
this decree, that said Master execute a deed to the purchaser of said
premises on said sale; that out of the proceeds of sale he pay the
costs of this suit, retain for his services the fees allowed him by law
for such services, pay to the complainant's solicitors the sum of
Twenty six Dollars and Forty five cents ($26.45) as attorneys fees and
the balance of the purchase money pay to the complainants
or their solicitors in payment as far as it will go of the amount due
them. Should there be any surplus money arising from said
sale after the payments above directed said Master shall bring he
same into court to abide the further order thereof.
It is further ordered, adjudged and decreed that should
said sale take place the defendants in this cause, the said
C.B. Easterlin and Lillie E. Summers and all persons claiming by
through or under them or each of them, be forever barred,
foreclosed, deprived and denied of and from all equity of redemption
and claim of, in and to the said premises above described
Done and ordered at Ocala Florida this 14th day of March AD 1900
                                 W.A. Hocker
Filed March 15 1900 Recorded March 15th 1900
                     H.C. Denton Clerk
                   pr S.H. Wienges DC

Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 6 June 2015
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