Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 354
and sixty seven feet to within thirty feet of said Kings lot; thence
run West four hundred feet to the point of beginning lying and
being in East Gainesville. Also all the following described lands
lying and being in the county of Clay and state of Florida and
more particularly described as the north half of the North half of
south half of south west quarter of North West quarter; and south
half of south half of south half of north half of north west quarter
 of north west quarter.
^and Lot Four in Block Four and Lot Three in Block Five
in C.A. Phelp's subdivision of High lands all in section
Thirty one Township Four south of Range Twenty three East at
at public auction in front of the Court House door of the
county of Alachua in Gainesville Florida on same legal sale
day during the legal hours of sale.
It is further ordered adjudged and decreed that the parties
plaintiff and defendant herein pay all costs expenses and attorneys
fee of one hundred dollars to be allowed complainants solicitor as
follows; the complainant Warren P. Ward shall pay one half thereof
and the defendant Nicholas Bach shall pay one half thereof and
the defendants Bertha Seiff August Brockman Ernest Brockman
Karl Brockman and Edward Weigand shall pay no part
thereof, And it is further ordered adjudged and decreed that
the commissioner bills attached to their report amounting to
for W.O. Tison $15.50 J.W. Shuford $15.50 A.J. DaCosta $3.50 be
paid and allowed as their costs to this date. It is further ordered
adjudged and decreed that the Commissioners herein after making
sale of the lands herein report the same to the Court and
that they retain out of the proceeds thereof a sufficient sum
of money to pay all the costs and expenses of this suit together
with an attorneys fee of one hundred dollars to be allowed and
paid to complainants solicitor, and that the complainant
Warren P. Ward shall receive one half and the defendant
Nicholas Bach shall receive the other half of the proceeds
of said sale after paying all costs and attorneys fees.
It is further ordered that a certified copy of this decree
be sent to the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Clay
County Florida and that he record the same in the public
records thereof provided for the same according to law
Done and ordered at Chambers at Ocala this 6th day of
March AD 1900
                           W.A. Hocker
Filed March 15th 1900
               Recorded March 15th 1900
                    H.C. Denton Clerk
                     pr S.H. Wienges DC

Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 10 June 2015
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