Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 363
then West four chains to a stake, then south seventeen chains
to a stake then East four chains to a stake then North five chains
to place of beginning Except two acres heretofore conveyed to
Harriet Adams described as commencing at a stake at the
North East corner of a ten acre lot conveyed to Benj
Garman by Orville Bailey then running, south 14 degrees one
hundred and forty yards along the Eastern boundary line of
said ten acre tract to a stake, then West seventy yards to a
stake then North 140 yards to a stake then East 70 yards to the
point of beginning. And except ten acres heretofore conveyed
to Henry Bailey by Benj Garman described as beginning
at a stake at the North East corner of the SW1/4 of section 29
Township 9 Range 20 run then North 12 chains to a stake point
of beginning, then run South 1095 feet then East 729 feet then
West 210 feet then North 210 feet to point of beginning, be
divided and allotted and partitioned to and among the
following named heirs and joint owners that is to say to
Linne Duffie one share or one third interest, to Harriet
Adams Violet Mourning and Thomas Bert one third interest
of if they desire it one ninth each to the last three persons.
And to Cicelia (alias) Sicily Sims one third interest
And it is further ordered that Richard McRae Henry Bailey
and Cy Harris Freholders of Alachua County Florida be
and they are appointed Commissioners to set apart allot
and partition the said real estate to and among the
parties herein above named, and if said land cannot
be partitioned and divided equitably the said Commissioners
will make report to the Court of their acts findings and
doings at as early a day as possible.
And it is further ordered that the cost of this proceeding be
paid pro rata by the several parties and the same shall
be a lien upon their interest.
  Done and ordered at Ocala Fla this 19th of March 1898
                                   W.A. Hocker
Filed Nov 14th 1898                        Judge
      Recorded March 27th 1900
                   H.C. Denton Clerk
                    pr S.H. Wienges DC
              In the Circuit Court of Florida Fifth Judicial
              Circuit in and for Alachua Co  In Chancery
Linnie Duffie                      }
    vs                             } Bill for Partition
Cecelia alias Sicily Sims Harriet  } Report of commissioners
Adams, Violet Mourning & Thos Bert }
                 The undersigned having been appointed by the
order of this Honorable Court dated the 19th day of March AD 1898
Commissioners to partition and allot the lands herein described
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 10 June 2015
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