Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 364
among and between the Joint owners thereof, the parties to this
suit above named.
Beg leave to report that we have in a body examined the lands
lying and being in Alachua County described as follows Beginning
at a light wood post on the North side of Newnansville road in the
SW1/4 of section 29 Twp 9 R 20 Running North 21 degrees East 6 chains
and 70 links to a light wood post marked "B" thence North 69
degrees West 15 chains to a post; thence south 21 degrees West 6 chains
and 70 links and thence south 69 degrees East to beginning. Also
beginning at a stake on the SW corner of the NE1/4 of the SW1/4 of
section 29 Twp 9 R 20 E running E 10.2 chains to a stake thence
N 10 chains to a stake, thence W 10.2 chains to a stake; thence
S 10 chains to the place of beginning. Also beginning at a
stake at the NW corner of the SE1/4 of the SW1/4 of section 29 twp 9
R 20 E, thence, S 5 chains to a stake; thence E 6 chains to a
stake; thence N 5 chains to a stake thence W 6 chains to the
place of beginning. Also beginning at a stake at the NE
corner of the SW1/4 of the SW1/4 of section 29 Twp 9 R 20 E thence
running N 12 chains to a stake; thence W 4 chains to a stake
thence S 17 chains to a stake thence E 4 chains to a stake
and thence N 5 chains to place of beginning, Except Two
acres heretofore conveyed to Harriet Adams, commencing at
a stake at the NE corner of a 10 acre lot conveyed by Orville
Bailey to Garmon, thence running E 14 degrees 140 yards along
the eastern bounary line of said 10 acre tract to a stake,
thence W 70 yards to a stake thence North 140 yards to a stake
thence E 70 yards to a place of beginning. And also 10 acres
heretofore conveyed to Henry Bailey beginning at a stake
at the NE corner of the SW1/4 of section 29 Twp 9 R 20 Thence S
1095 feet thence E 729 feet Thence W 210 feet thence N 210 feet to
the point of beginning leaving as a balance or remainder
to be divided of about (17) seventeen acres, And your
Commissioners report that they have examined said lot of
land and find it to be poor pine land about two (2)
miles north of Gainesville, that they have a thorough knowledge
of said property and from its location and situations beg leave
to report that said lots of land cannot be partitioned or
divided in severalty as is directed by the order or decree
herein. That a partition or division of the same would
be prejudicial to the interests of the owners thereof
  Respectfully submitted
                                  H.J. Bailey
Witness                               his
   H.C. Peace                  Richard X McRae
Filed November 14th 1898         C.S. Harris
Recorded March 27th 1900               Commissioner
                  H.C. Denton Clerk
                  pr S.H. Wienges DC
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 10 June 2015
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