Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 365
                    In the Circuit Court Fifth Judicial Circuit of
                  Florida in and for Alachua County  In Chancery
Linnie Duffie                      }
    vs                             } Bill for Partition
Cecelia Sims Harriet Adams et al   } Report of sale by the Commissioners
           To the Honorable Wm A. Hocker Judge of the Fifth Judicial
Circuit of Florida
              The undersigned Commissioners appointed by your
Honor under date of the twentieth day of December 1898 would
respectfully show that in accordance with said order or decree
they advertised the property named in the decree and described
as follows, beginning at a light wood post on the Newnansville
road in the SW quarter of Section 29 Twp 9 Range (20) running
North 21 degrees East 6 chains and 70 link to a light wood
post marked "B" thence North 69 degrees west 15 chains to a 
post thence south 21 degrees west 6 chains and 70 links and
thence south 69 degrees east to beginning. Also beginning
at a stake on the SW corner of the NW quarter of the
SW quarter of section 29 Twp 9 R 20 East 10.2 chains to a
stake thence North 10 chains to a stake thence West
10.2 chains to a stake thence south 10 chains to the place
of beginning. Also beginning at a stake at the NW corner
SW quarter of SW of Section 29 Twp 9 R 20 East thence
running south 5 chains to a stake, thence East 6 chains
to a stake; thence North 5 chains to a stake thence West
6 chains to the place of beginning. Also beginning at a
stake at the NE corner of the SW quarter of the SW quarter of
section 29, Twp 9 R 20 East thence running North 12 chains to
a stake thence West 4 chains to a stake thence south 17 chains
to a stake thence East 4 chains to a stake, thence North
4 chains to the place of beginning (Except) Two acres heretofore
conveyed to Harriet Adams and also ten acres heretofore
conveyed to Henry Bailey leaving about seventeen acres to be
divided situated and being in Alachua County Florida said
land sold for Partition Purchaser to pay for title. That the
advertisement was for thirty days next prior to the second day
of October 1899 as will appear from a copy of the advertisement
attached. That said property was offered for sale on that day
the same being a legal sale day and was bid off by Linnie
Duffie at and for the sum of Thirty four dollars, that being the
best bid for the same
                         Respectfully submitted
                               Henry Bailey
                            Richard X McRae
Filed March 23d 1900       C.S. Harris
Recorded March 27th 1900         Commissioner
                H.C. Denton Clerk
               pr S.H. Wienges DC
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 10 June 2015
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