Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 366
                    Circuit Court Fifth Judicial Circuit of Florida
                     Alachua County - In Chancery
Linnie Duffie                    }
    vs                           } Final Decree
Cecelia Sims Harriet Adams et al }
               This cause coming on for final hear upon the report of the
Commissioners heretofore appointed under date of the 20th of December 1899
And it appearing to the Court from the report of the Commissioners
that the sale was fair and regular, and that the land brought a
fair price and that the money arising from the sale of said
property has been paid into the registry of the Court. It is therefore
ordered that the sale be approved and confirmed and the Commissioners
are hereby authorized and Empowered to make to Linnie Duffie the purchaser
at said sale a good and sufficient deed for the property described as
follows to wit: Beginning at a light wood post on the Newnansville
road in the south west quarter of section (29) Township (9) Range (20)
running North 21 degrees East (6) six chains and (70) seventy links
to a light wood post marked "R" Thence North (69) sixty nine West 15
fifteen chains to a post, thence south 21 twenty one degrees 6 six
chains and seventy links thence south 69 sixty nine degrees
East to the beginning. Also beginning at a stake on the
South West corner of the North West quarter of the south West
quarter of section 29 Township 9 Range 20. East 10-2 chains
to a stake thence North 10 chains to a stake then West 10
chains to a stake thence south 10 chains to a stake the place
of beginning. Also beginning at a stake at the North West corner
of the south west quarter of the south west quarter of section 29
Township 9 Range 20 East thence running south 5 chains to a 
stake, thence North 5 chains to a stake thence North 5 chains
to a stake, thence West 6 chains to the point of beginning Also
beginning at a stake at the NE corner of the SW quarter of the SW
quarter of section 29, Township 9 Range 20 East thence running
North 12 chains to a stake then West 4 chains to a stake thence
south 17 chains to a stake thence North 5 chains to the place of 
beginning Except ten acres heretofore conveyed to Harriet Adams and
ten acres to Henry Bailey, containing seventeen acres more or
less. It is further ordered that the complainants solicitor be
allowed a fee of $25.00 Twenty five dollars and that the same
shall be a lien upon the funds in the hands of the Court
and it is further ordered that costs of this proceeding be paid
by all of the parties pro rata and that it shall be a charge
upon the money in the hands of the Court
            Gainesville Fla Feby 21st 1900
                              W.A. Hocker
Filed March 23rd 1900               Judge
Recorded March 27th 1900  H.C. Denton  Clerk
                         pr S.H. Wienges DC
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 10 June 2015
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