Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Palmer defendant had a wife living at the time of the marriage sought 
to be annulled in this cause.
Therefore it is ordered adjudged and Decreed That the complainant Agnes
Loomis Alias Agnes Palmer be divorced from the bonds of matrimony and
forever freed from the defendant Charles H. Palmer
Done and ordered at Ocala Florida this 2nd day of April AD 1900
                           W.A. Hocker
Filed April 7th 1900               Judge
     Recorded April 7th 1900 
                 H.C. Denton Clerk
                     pr S.H. Wienges DC

            In the Circuit Court 5th Judicial Circuit
            of the State of Florida Alachua County in
            Chancery sitting at Chambers
Philetus S. Swarts, Complainant } Bill for Divorce
        vs                      } Final Decree
Emma E. Swarts, Defendant       }
                         This cause came on for final
hearing upon the Bill, Depositions and record from which it
appears that all the allegations in the said Bill are true,
and it further appearing, that a Decree pro confesso was duly
taken and entered on the Rule day on April AD 1900.
Now therefore upon due consideration thereof and upon motion
of Edwin Spencer Esq solicitor for complainant, It is hereby
ordered adjudged and decreed as follows viz That the said
Decree pro confesso be and is hereby confirmed and that the mar
riage between the Complainant Philetus S. Swarts and the
defendant, Emma E. Swarts, be and is hereby dissolved and
the same is hereby dissolved accordingly that the said Philetus
S. Swarts is hereby freed from the obligations of the said marriage
Ocala Fla April 7th 1900                   W.A. Hocker
Filed and Recorded April 9th 1900 H.C. Denton Clerk
                                    pr E.C. Wimberly DC\

              In the Circuit Court of the fifth Judicial Circuit in
             and for Alachua County Florida In Chancery
William R. Keen }
      vs        } Bill for Divorce
Sarah Keen      }
                This cause coming on to be heard on motion of
complainant solicitor to appoint a Special Master to take the
testimony and a decree pro confesso having been regularly Entered
and the Court being fully advised in the premises, and doth
upon consideration thereof order adjudge decree that Lamar G.
Carter who is a practicing attorney of this Court be and the
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 11 June 2015
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