Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 374
                  In the Circuit Court of the 5th Judicial Circuit
                  of the State of Florida County of Alachua, In Chancery
C.W. Chase                                      }
                    vs                          }  Bill to Reform Deed
J.C. Haile Chas E. Haile Jr. J.M. Haile Louis M.}
Chesnut, John Chesnut, her husband Eva Haile    }
minor Allen Haile minor John Chesnut Trustee    }
for Eva Haile and Allen Haile minors, F.N.      }  Final Decree
Pike and H.G. Mason Guardian ad Litem for       }
Eva Haile and Allen Haile minors                }
                 This cause coming on to be heard for a final hearing
for a final hearing and the Court having read the Bill of
complaint and the report of the Special Master in this cause
herein made, reporting that the prayers of the Bill of Complaint be
granted, and it appearing to the Court that there was a material mistake
in the description of the land conveyed for a right of way by John Haile
James Chesnut Amelia B. Chesnut his wife and F.N. Pike by John Haile
his attorney in fact to C.W. Chase on the 25th day of February A.D. 1897
by deed of that date and recorded in Deed Book 46 at page 540
thereof the same being one of the Public Records in the Clerks Office
in Alachua County Florida in this that the said land was described
in said deed as the East one hundred feet in a Northerly and Southerly
course of the South East Quarter of Section one in Township Nine
South of Range seventeen East when the land bought by the said
C.W. Chase and intended to be conveyed to him is the east one hundred
feet in a Northerly and Southerly course of the South East Quarter of
Section one on Township Nine South of Range Sixteen East,
And it further appearing from the Master's report and the
testimony taken before him that there was such a mistake, and
that the grantors in said deed were desirous of conveying the land
as last described: It is upon consideration thereof adjudged
ordered and decreed that the said deed covering the said East one
hundred feet in a Northerly and Southerly course, of the South East
Quarter of Section one in Township Nine South of Range Seventeen
of the said C.W. Chase and recorded in Deed Book 46 at page 540
thereof, same being one of the public Records of Alachua County
Florida be corrected so as to property describe said lands as being
in range Sixteen instead of Range Seventeen as follows, The East
one Hundred feet in a Northerly and Southerly course of the South
East quarter of Section one in Township Nine South of Range
Sixteen East, All in Alachua County Florida. And it is further
decreed that the Clerk of the Circuit Court do make a marginal
note on the said page of said deed Book 46 at page 540 thereof of
this decree correcting the description of land therein conveyed
Done and ordered at Chambers at Ocala Putnam County Florida
this 17th day of April A.D. 1900         W.A. Hocker
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 21 May 2013
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