Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 376
                         In the Circuit Court of Florida 5th Judicial Circuit in
                          and for Alachua County, In Chancery
W.W. Craig                 }
       vs                  } Bill for Dissolution of Copartnership Receiver etc
E.M. Putnam and I.M. Putnam}
           Order Ruling on Demurrer to Original and Amended Bills of Complaint
This cause coming on to be heard and the same having been argued and
submitted, and the Court being advised in the premises; thereupon upon consideration
hereof, it is ordered, adjudged and decreed that the demurrer filed, herein by the
defendants on the 2nd day of April 1900, to the complainants bills of complaint
and each and every ground thereof be and the same is herein and hereby overruled
and denied and the defendants allowed fifteen days in which to file plea or answer
to complainant's bills of complaint, or in default thereof that the same may
be taken as confessed
Done and ordered at Chambers at Ocala Florida this 17th day of April A.D. 1900
                                            W.A. Hocker
Filed April 19th 1900 Recorded April 19th 1900
                                             H.C. Denton  Clerk
                                             pr S.H Wienges D.C.

                   In Circuit Court 5th Judicial Circuit of Florida in
                    and for Alachua County In Chancery
Calhoun Stroder  }
          vs     }  Bill for Divorce
Margaret Stroder }
                   This cause came on this day to be heard upon
application of complainant for the appointment of a Special Master
to take and report the testimony to be offered herein and upon
consideration of the same it is ordered adjudged and decreed that H.G.
Mason a practicing attorney be and he is hereby appointed Special
Master to take the testimony and proofs to be offered herein to make
his findings thereon and to report the same to the Court
Done and ordered at Ocala Florida this 7th day of April A.D. 1900
                                     W.A. Hocker
Filed April 20th 1900
               Recorded April 20th 1900
                                     H.C. Denton  Clerk
                                     pr S.H. Wienges  D.C.

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 27 May 2014
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