Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 383
                    Spring Term A.D. 1900
                     Tuesday May 8th
  At a Regular term of the Circuit Court of the Fifth Judicial Circuit
of Florida in and for the county of Alachua for the Spring Term AD 1900
begun and holden on the 8th day of May 1900 at the Court House in the City of
Gainesville in Alachua County Florida the following proceedings were
begun & held to wit: at which was present his Honor W.A. Hocker Judge
of the Fifth Judicial Circuit of Florida, L.W. Fennell Sheriff of Alachua
County Syd L. Carter Esquire State attorney and H.C. Denton Clerk of this
  It appearing to the Court that no jury was drawn at the last
Term of this Court by the Judge and that the Clerk of this Court after
ten days notice previously given by posting in three public
places and after the sheriff had proclaimed the meeting and its
purpose at the Court House door did in the presence of
G.M. Wienges Deputy sheriff and the County Judge in pursuance of law
twenty six days before this Term, drew from the box containing the
names of the persons selected by the County Commissioners to serve
as jurors for the year 1900, the following named persons to serve
as jurors at this term of the Court and a Venire for said persons was
issued by the Clerk of this Court and placed in the hands of the sheriff
and a return upon the same was made at 9 30 Oclock AM this 8th day of
May 1900 at the opening of this Term of the Court
        Whereupon the Judge of the Court in open Court placed
the names of said persons so returned and present and not excused
in a box and drew there from the names of the following persons
as Grand Jurors namely: E.K. Roseborough R.R. Livingston W.F. Barry
T.Y. Hagan C.V. McQueen Thos Rogers W.C. Bradshaw S.R. Chitty
W.W. Malphurs E.D. Thomas S.J. Thomas W.W. Avera W.N. Wilson
Joseph Alsop H.M. Chitty Alex Avera T. Denby M.H. Slaughter
   And at the same time drew the following named persons
as petit jurors viz: W.C. Hague E.W. Rivers G.W. Davis Frank
Coleman R.H. Stringfellow and A. Goolsby
  Whereupon the Grand Jury by order of the Court were
duly sworn by the Clerk and retired to select their foreman
and thereafter returned into open Court and announced that they
had selected Edward K. Roseborough summoned as E.K.
Roseborough as their foreman.
  Thereupon the Court after delivering the usual charge
instructed the Grand Jury to retire to their room in
charge of their bailiff J.R.W. Grissom who had also been duly sworn
by the Clerk of this Court
     Whereupon the Court proceeded to sound the Civil

Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 11 June 2015
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