Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 386
                        Spring Term AD 1900
                          Tuesday May 8th
Margaret McDonald Robertson }
      As Executrix &c       }
            Vs              } Assumpsit by attachment
C.R. Easterlin Defendant    }
and J.L. Easterlin Claimant }
               And now this cause is continued

Jesse Finch              }
Piano & Organ Co         }
         Vs              } Assumpsit
J.N. Strobhar and        }
Mary C. Stroblar Defendt } 
                         And now this cause is continued
Complainant and the other parties not objecting
     Whereupon Court adjourned until tomorrow morning
at Nine Oclock

                 Wednesday May 9th

    Court met this day pursuant to adjournment of
yesterday his Honor W.A. Hocker Judge presiding
A.R. Hull and John H. Hunter      }
partners and merchants trading    } 
in Savannah Georgia under         }
the Firm name of A.B. Hull & Co   }
           Vs                     } Assumpsit
W.R. Vinzant, W.D. Futch and      }
R.J. Futch heretofore trading in  }
Alachua County Florida under      }
the firm name of Vinzant Futch Co }
            And now this cause coming on to be heard and the
parties plaintiff & defendant being in open Court by their
respective attorneys and the issues being joined a
jury was called and there came W.C. Hague E.W. Rivers
G.H. Davis Frank Coleman R.H. Stringfellow and A. Goolsby who
were duly empanelled and sworn to well and truly try
the issues joined by the parties in this cause according
to the evidence. And the Jury aforesaid after hearing the
evidence, & charge of the court retired to consider of their
verdict, and after due consideration thereof they returned
into open Court and rendered the following verdict
to wit: We the Jury find for the plaintiffs and assess
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 13 June 2015
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