Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 387
                     Spring Term AD 1900
                      Wednesday May 9.
their damages at $274.00 so say we all
May 9th 1900.                 R.H. Stringfellow
 Whereupon it is considered ordered and adjudged by the court that
the plaintiffs do have and recover of and from the defendants
W.R. Vinzant  W.D. Futch and R.J. Futch heretofore trading in
Alachua County Florida under the firm name of Vinzant Futch & Co
the sum of Two hundred and seventy four dollars for their damages
together with their cost in this behalf expended taxed at seventeen & 23/100
dollars, and the defendants in mercy &c

[ Written in Left margin: ]

I hereby cancel this Judgment
& discharge same from the
records. Execution returned
satisfied. Sept 3rd 1902
attest        W.W. Hampton (LS)
              atty of Recd for
              AB Hull & Co
       H.C. Denton 
       pr S.H. Wienges DC

J.N.D. Cloud               }
      Vs                   } 
J. Dudley Williams as      } Assumpsit
Administrator of Estate of }
J.W. Williams deceased     }
                      Now this cause coming on to be heard
and the parties plaintiff and defendant being in open Court
by their respective attorneys: And now by consent, the plea
heretofore filed in this cause by defendant being withdrawn
a jury was called to assess damages and there came:
W.C. Hague E.W. Rivers G.W. Davis Frank Coleman R.H. Stringfellow
and A. Goolsby who were duly empanelled and sworn to
diligently Enquire of damages in this cause and true assess
ment make according to the evidence. And the Jury aforesaid
after hearing the evidence and charge of the Court
without leaving the box rendered the following verdict
to wit: We the Jury find in favor of the plaintiff and
assess his damages at the sum of one hundred and sixty
one dollars. So say we all
                               R.H. Stringfellow
  Whereupon it is considered ordered and adjudged by the
Court that the plaintiff J.N.D. Cloud, do have and receive
of and from the defendant J. Dudley Williams as Administrator
of and for the estate of J.W. Williams deceased, to be levied of
the goods and chattels, lands and tenements, of the said
J.W. Williams deceased in the hands of the said J.Dudley
Williams as administrator to be administered the sum of 
One hundred and sixty one dollars as his damages, together with
his costs in this behalf expended taxed at Six 46/100 Dollars and
the defendant in mercy &c

[ Written in left margin; ]

Ex issed
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 13 June 2015
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